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"Still nothing?" Elenora asks the guard

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"Still nothing?" Elenora asks the guard. It's been about 30 days now since the disappearance and we still have no new information. The South East Forest has been closed down and guards are standing around to make sure no creatures make their way in.

I was about to get sent to check it out, but the queen decided against it before I ended up gone as well. I was allowed in the forest but had to stand a couple feet away from where the creatures had disappeared.

I was able to see black fog around a tree but couldn't get any closer. Now we just have to wait, Kassidy is getting restless and is beginning to lose hope that they would ever come back. We don't even know where they have gone or if they're still alive at this point.

I decided to move Cesar and Bolt to Scar's house as well. Cesar and Flora are getting along well with each other. Flora was a bit scared in the beginning but now they fall asleep wrapped up into a ball.

"I'm sorry Queen Elenora, no new changes."

Elenora lets out a heavy sigh and looks at the monitor. "Alright, keep me updated if anything new happens."

The guard nods his head and goes back to the monitor. We exit the room and go back upstairs to her room where Kassidy is sitting on her bed. Kass was given the day off since Elenora didn't have anything she needed to really do or anyone to see.

"I'm guessing nothing new?" She asks.

"Nothing." Elenora says while walking into the closet and shutting the door behind her.

"Do you think they're still alive?" Kass asks me.

"I would want to believe so. But I also have to think realistically, it's been nearly 30 days and we don't know where they are or what happened," I say while walking over to sit on the vanity chair next to her bed. "I also have to think realistically in the sense that we are in a realm where any mythical creature is possible and where there's magic making anything possible. So, I'm hoping she is alive, I'm hoping that she found the others, and I'm hoping she's coming back or at least trying to figure out a way to."

Elenora exits the closet wearing something more comfortable and goes to sit next to Kass. "She's alive. I know she is. We just have to be patient."

"I hope you're both right." Kass sighs while wrapping her arm around Elenora's waist.

"We are." Elenora confirms while giving Kass a kiss on the cheek making her turn bright red.

"Aww aren't you two a lovely couple." I tease.

"Wha- I-," Kass stutters while Elenora watches her with a soft smile. Kass makes eye contact with her and quickly falls backwards on the bed while covering her face.

Elenora and I both start laughing seeing her embarrassed. I've been teasing Kassidy nonstop ever since I figured out she might have a crush on Elenora. Unfortunately for her, Elenora also found out she liked her since she blushed and stuttered like crazy every time she was around her. Good news is Elenora does like her back and she makes it painfully obvious, but Kass gets flustered and runs or hides, like right now.

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