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I watch Kristen eat her pink cotton candy with a smile on her face while watching the people at the carnival below us

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I watch Kristen eat her pink cotton candy with a smile on her face while watching the people at the carnival below us. The ride has stopped and we're somewhere near the top.

"So, tell me something interesting about yourself." She says while turning to look at me. I play with my pendant while thinking. I can tell you I'm a dragon, but Colby said not to.

"I like to play with fire."

Kristen tilts her head to the side. "Like actual fire or like a metaphor?"

"Actual fire."

She hums and thinks for a bit. "How?"

"I just like to see it," I wince at my words. Should've listened to Colby. "That sounds weird, I swear I don't mean it in a weird way."

She laughs at this and shakes her head. "I like fire too. I'm also into candles. I used to sit in a dark room and light up a bunch of candles around me. It was calming. Then when it used to rain, I just read a book. It was nice."


"Yeah, I don't do that much anymore," she shrugs. "Fire hazard at the apartment."

I nod while she finishes her candy and I give her the rest of my own. "What do you see yourself doing in a couple of years?" I ask.

"I see myself with my boyfriend or," she looks over at the carnival. "With my husband, living somewhere nice. A place to finally call home. Working somewhere I enjoy. Doing what exactly? No idea yet. Still figuring stuff out." She finishes with a sad smile.

"What about you?" She asks.

I see myself with you in a den made for just us, or a house wherever you would like to live. Tiny dragon kids running around, us stopping them from using their powers and causing the house to fall down. Spending our weekends at the castle eating all different colored apples made by Blake. Meeting up with Scar, Nathan, Colby, and Colby's future mate.

"I don't know yet," I whisper. Her honey brown eyes looking at me. "Still figuring it out as well."

We stare at each other for a few seconds before I say, "You're very beautiful."

Kristen immediately turns pink and ducks her head, making her hair cover her face as a curtain. "Thank you. You're very beautiful as well."

My heart.

She smiles at me softly and looks back down at the people. I spot the spinning teacups, one of the teacups spinning way too fast. "Are you afraid of heights?" Kristen asks.

"No. I love being high up."

"Me too, seeing everything so small at the bottom brings me joy."

The ride spins fully and before we know it, we're back on the ground. "Do you want to go there?" Kristen points at a building with a sign reading "Haunted House" in the front.

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