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I woke up to the sun shining on my face through my black curtains and someone quietly knocking at my door. "Come in!" I say with a groan loud enough for the person on the other side of my door to hear. My face softens as I see my brother, Billy, walking into my room. "Hey Y/N," Billy says walking into my room slowly as if he was about to ask me something.

Me and my brother had a decent relationship as a brother and sister, we rarely ever got into fights, and if we did they wouldn't last long, we are able to hold a conversation with each other for a good amount of time, and we didn't purposefully annoy each other. "Yeah, Billy?" I sat up in my bed ready to hear what he was going to say. "After I'm done delivering my newspapers would you maybe want to go to the Grab n Go with me?" I smiled. "Yeah, sure! I'll get ready now and just wait for you there, okay?" I stretch while speaking, forcing myself to wake up. "Okay! See ya there!" And with that, Billy walks out of my room, closing the door behind him.


I get up and walk over to my closet. My eyes skim through my overfilled closet, desperately searching for something to wear. Until, something catches my eye. I take a shirt and jacket out of the closet and set them on the floor. Next, I open my drawers, searching for some pants that would go with my outfit. I grab a pair of dark blue jeans and set them by my shirt and jacket. I grab a white and blue pair of shoes from my closet along with 2 rings and a necklace.

 I grab a white and blue pair of shoes from my closet along with 2 rings and a necklace

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outfit of the day
(can change)

When I finished changing, I walk over to my vanity towards the corner of my room. I sit down and reach for my hairbrush, I take my time getting my hair brushed and makeup done as I wasn't in any hurry, it would take Billy a while to deliver the newspapers anyway so I wanted to take up as much time as I possibly could.

I walked out of my room and headed to the steps that I soon walked down. "Morning mum." I kiss my mom on the cheek as I walk by, she is reading one of her favorite magazines. "Do you think I would look good in this top? I'm thinking of getting it." My mom questions and shows me a tight red shirt. I think about it for a minute and finally speak, "if you pair it with some black jeans, then yes." I say walking over to the bread box. "Oh, what would I do without you, Y/n," Mum says as she marks the spot in the magazine. I chuckle to myself.

I pull out two pieces of bread and put them into the toaster.
'Ding!', about 3 minutes later the toast had popped up from the toaster, I grabbed a napkin and put my toast onto it. "Hey mom? Is it ok if I go to the Grab n Go? Billy and me are going to meet up there after he's finished delivering newspapers." I walk over and sit down at the table, across from her. "Oh no wonder Billy didn't take the dog this morning, yeah that's fine, just stay out of trouble." The whole time she spoke, not once did she bring her eyes off of the magazine. I nod my head, stuffing the rest of my toast in my mouth.

I open the front door and shiver as the cold October breeze hit me in the face, a smile grew on me as I began to walk. I took notice of everything around me, the trees, children playing, and birds flying above me trying to get to a warmer place than Denver.
The Grab n Go not too far away from my house, was already in sight. I sighed, hoping that Vance Hopper, one of the world's biggest assholes, wasn't there today. Vance would always pick on me, and there was never really a reason why, he just did.

I walked slowly towards the building, only a few feet away. I glance at the window where the pinball machine that Vance is obsessed with sat and sigh, he just had to be there today.

I walk through the door, the bell above me greeting me into the warmth of the building. I speed walk over to the first aisle, trying to hide from Vance, scared of what he would do to me if he found me.

At school, and mostly around town, me, Vance, Robin Arellano we're known to be 'the toughest kids in town'. I never really liked the title, mostly because people were scared to ask me for anything, or if I just so happened to be partners with them they would insist on doing most of the work, this annoyed me a lot.

I was snapped out of my trance when I felt a firm grip on my shoulder. I spun around thinking it was Billy and that he had already finished delivering all of the newspapers. But I was disappointed when I saw none other than the Vance Hopper, glaring at me with a shit-eating grin.

AHH MY FIRST REAL CHAPTERRR. I think that I did pretty good on this chapter seeing that it have 950 words!! It felt like I rushed a few parts but I wanted to make sure that this chapter had info about me and some of the other characters.👍👍
If you have any recommendations please comment them here!🫶🫶

Heart stopper// Vance Hopper x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now