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The Grabbers pov

That bitch.
I don't even know why the fuck I took her in the first place. I guess it was because she was pretty and alone. All I wanted was to check if that fucking blonde kid woke up, but she had to get her petty ass involved.

I walked up the basement stairs, shutting the door behind me, no way those fuckers were gonna get out. I opened up the door that led to the basement and walked into the kitchen. I sighed out of frustration, my brother was coming over today and I had no fucking clue what I was going to do with the kids.
I took off the mask and shoved it into one of the kitchen drawers, containing the other parts of the mask. I leaned against the kitchen counter, grabbing my cold coffee that I made earlier that morning.

The phone rang, making my heart skip a beat before quickly picking it up. "Hello?" The line was silent before a scratchy voice croaked from the receiver, "why did you take her." The voice demanded, I immediately recognized the voice, Billy fucking Showalter. Holy shit I took him and his sister. "I-um, who is this?" I knew who it was, I was just playing dumb. Their breathing got heavier and they got more aggressive, "you know who the fuck I am, Albert."

I slammed the phone back onto its stand, my breathing quickening. I never told any of them my name, how the fuck did he know? My hands gripped the counter and my knees weakened, I had just had a conversation with somebody I killed.

Y/n's pov

I sat down with Vance right by my side.
I laid my head down onto his shoulder, I had missed him so so much. "Vance?" I said, my head still resting on his shoulder. "Yeah Y/n?" He spoke, his voice hoarse from whatever the grabber sprayed into his mouth. I thought about what I was going to say for a moment before speaking up. "What did he.. do to you? You know, before you were taken down here?" He was silent for a second "the old hag distracted me on my way to the grab-n-go, like I said earlier, he sprayed some shit in my mouth and made me black out." He said, finally speaking up after a few moments of silence.

"How about you? What did he do to you?" Vance asked me, genuine curiosity striking his voice. I thought about telling him, knowing he would freak out about it. "He um, hit me with his car on my way home," I said, mumbling most of it. "The fuck! He hit you with his fucking car?" He moved away, immediately checking me for any severe wounds. I turned my head away, silently agreeing.

Rage was glistening in his eyes, I wish I hadn't told him. When the grabber was to finally trot his little ass down here, either him or Vance would get the beating of their life. Vance was strong and could take down a hell of a lot of people, but a grown-ass man? I don't think so.

"I'm gonna kill that asshole!" Vance yelled, running his fingers through his matted hair. "Vance please don't, we don't know what he's capable of. You could get hurt." I didn't want Vance to possibly get hurt, but I also wanted the grabber to get his old shit rocked. "I don't give a shit what he is or isn't capable of, I'm killing him!" His hoarse voice was gone, now replaced with a loud and bold voice. I sighed, knowing that my pleads wouldn't work.

Just then the door opened, making Vance take a few steps back, getting a good look at the man. My heart dropped, knowing that none of this would go well. "You fucker!" Vance yelled, running up to the grabber. The grabber pushed Vance as soon as he got to him, Vance being a little less strong than he usually is, as he was still drugged. "Listen here kid, you don't ever speak to me like that unless you want to be punished." The grabber stated, making his point very clear. Vance just glared at him, his icy blue eyes almost piercing the soul. "Now, I have somebody staying over for a few weeks, which means you guys might just have to ration your food." He walked closer towards me. "If we scream someone will hear us," Vance states the obvious. "No he won't-" "he?" I ask. The grabber stays silent before speaking up, "no they won't, I soundproofed this basement myself. Scream all you want, there just won't be any point to it." And with that, the grabber walked out of the basement.

I held my stomach, I was so fucking hungry. He barely ever brought food down here so I was worried about how it would look now. "Hey? You okay?" Vance sat down next to me, putting his arm tightly around me. "I'm just really fucking hungry. He never really brings food down here." I looked over at Vance and saw him giving me a sympathetic look. He quickly embraced me into a calming hug, which I soon melted into.

I love him.


It had been hours since the grabber came down to visit. Outside was pitch black and both me and Vance were tired. I sat with my back against the wall while Vance was trying to find anything to help us. "Vance? I'm tired. Can we please go to bed?" I whined. "Just go to bed, I'll be fine." He complained. I stayed quiet, giving him a few more minutes to come to lie down before I started complaining again.

He came out from the hallway and saw me staring at him, "fine, we can go to bed." He walked over and collapsed onto the mattress. I smiled and laid down next to him. We both laid there in silence, just taking in everything. He tossed and turned, obviously not being able to sleep. I turned around and carefully rested my head on his shoulder, which was oddly more comfortable than last time.

Soon after me and him were fast asleep, not knowing what horror awaited us the next day.

I JUST LOVE LEAVING YOU GUYS ON CLIFFHANGERS🤭. but anyways I wanted to try something new that I haven't seen in many other stories with the grabbers pov. Also when this story is over should I do like extra chapters? Just to show how Vance's and Y/n's relationship grows and stuff???? ALSO, TY FOR ALMOST 1000 READS ILY ALL🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶❤️❤️❤️❤️

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