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Me and Vance were both walking to the Grab n Go.
It wasn't as bad as the walk to my house, as both me and Vance had slightly warmed up to each other now. "Sooo, you wouldn't mind if I played pinball for a little, right?" Vance questioned. "Oh my gosh, Vance. You told me that you wouldn't play. Plus we really need to get back to my house." I complained. "So is that a yes?" "No!" "Whatever," Vance mumbled.


We made it to the Grab n Go and I walked towards the snack aisle, while Vance walked over to the drinks. I picked through chips, stuck between potato and barbecue. I decided to go with potato and started walking over to Vance. "Vancee?" I called, trying to get his attention. He was focused on which drink he would rather get, a coke or an orange crush.
"What." I could tell he was trying to be nice about it, but it was kinda hard to imagine him not being mean.

"You almost ready to go back?" I walked over to him as he opened the fridge door. "Yeah, whatever." What was his problem? He was being an asshole for no reason, but then again when isn't he being an asshole.


Me and Vance walked out of the Grab n Go, that asshole made me pay for his shit.
"You owe me $3, asshat," I state, obviously pissed. "I don't owe you shit." Vance grabbed his orange crush from the plastic Grab n Go bag and took a sip of it. I huff, "your gonna pay me back." "No, I won't." Vance jabbed me in my side with his finger, making me jump. "Asshole!" I yelled. He just laughed at me, causing me to slightly smile. I push him, causing him to stumble off the sidewalk and onto the road.

Pulling himself back onto the sidewalk, he looks at me, a playful scowl on his face. And he elbows me on my forearm, "ow!" I laugh holding my arm. He laughs with me, "your so dramatic!" Vance pushes me again, "I am not dramatic!" I say smiling. "Yes you are!" "No, I'm not! "Whatever, drama queen," Vance mumbled the last bit, and my mouth dropped. He glanced over to me and busted out laughing.


Me and Vance have been at my house for a few hours by now, and it was really dark outside.
I look out my window and see how dark it is outside, "hey Vance? I think you should head home now." I say, looking back at Vance. "What? Why?" He asks, sounding genuinely offended. "Vance, Im not kicking you out. It's just really dark out and my parents are gonna be home soon." I say getting up. "Oh, yeah whatever." Vance stands up and brushes himself off.

I walk out of my bedroom door and start walking down the stairs, the whole time Vance was following me. "So um, are you going to the party this weekend?" Vance asked me, leaning against the wall. "I don't know, not many people I know are going, only Robin," I respond. "Oh come on! Are you that boring?" "Hey! I am not boring, blondie!" "Whatever you say, dipshit."
I think about it for a little, he knew what he was doing and I hated it. "Fine, I'll go." I huff. He just smirks, pleased with my answer.

"Ok, ready to go?" I say, I was a little annoyed but that changed when I saw the confused look on Vance's face, "what?" I raise my eyebrow at him. "Your gonna walk me home?" Vance questions. Was this shitface really that stupid? "Yeah? Why? Is there a problem with that?" I was annoyed at this point. "Well, who's gonna walk you home?" He had a comforting look on his face as my face softened. "Nobody, I just wanna make sure you get home safe." I sorta mumbled the last bit, but he heard me either way. He smirked but quickly wiped it off, thinking that I didn't see it.

Me and Vance were walking down the street, again. We had both agreed before leaving that I would walk him halfway to his house, he said that he didn't want anything happening to me while I was walking home on my own. It really confused me, why did he care about me? The person that used to give me shit about anything and everything, cared about me?

We had been going back and forth with each other, bickering about which chip flavor was better. "It's barbecue! Sour cream and onion is nasty!" I state, trying to prove my point. "Hell no! Sour cream and onion is THE best!" Vance yells. Don't get me wrong, sour cream and onion can be good at times, but barbecue is WAYYY better! "Your crazy!" I swear this idiot was going to give me gray hairs by the amount of stress he was putting on me.

"Ok, ok! But the real question is what is the best soda?" Vance says looking back at me. "Oh, Dr. Pepper all the way, duh," I state the obvious. "Uh, are you crazy? It's orange crush." I look at him wide-eyed. Once again, starting a whole debate about dumb shit.

"Ok crazy hoe, this is halfway," I say, relieved I won't have to deal with him anymore. "Oh, well I'll see you later, right?" He looks kind of disappointed, weird. "Yeah, see you later!" I wave goodbye to him and make my way back to my house.
While walking back home, my attention is drawn toward a black van parked across the street. Weird, I think to myself as I pass it, not thinking much of it.

Vance's pov

Y/n, I don't know what to think about her. One minute I hate her guts, but the next minute I don't want her to leave. She made me feel like a person like I was loved. I had gotten lucky with her tutoring me, but I don't know what she thinks about it.

Questions and thoughts raced around in my mind as I fell onto my bed, I had gotten changed into a baggy shirt and sweatpants. I was tired as shit and it was noticeable. I flipped over onto my back, looking up at the ceiling, wishing that instead, I was with Y/n. Wait, what the fuck am I talking about? I'm supposed to hate Y/n, why the fuck am I wishing about that shit?

A scowl forms on my face as I close my eyes, quickly falling asleep.

Ok I'm gonna have to stop there for the night! It's 3 in the morning on a school night👍👍. So wish me luck🫡. Anywaysss, I think Vancey wancey pookie bear has a little crush🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭. just sayinggg, there is going to be BIGGG events next chapter. So get ready luvs🫶🫶🫶🫶

Heart stopper// Vance Hopper x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now