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Time skip
2 weeks later

It has been a few weeks since the accident and Vance moved back in with his mom. Me and Vance now had to go to school, as our break that they gave us to settle back in was over.
I did not want to go back to school. Everyone there would be staring at me like I was some sort of freak. Everyone would be even more afraid of me than they already were. I mean I can't lie, I like my reputation but sometimes it gets in the way of a lot of things. For instants, making friends has been difficult ever since 3rd grade, when I got into my first fight.


"Why do you even hang out with Billy? He's kinda the weird kid." Ansley said, making a disgusted face towards me and my brother. "Because he's my brother. And what do you mean weird?" I get up from the swing, meeting Ansley face to face. "Well, you know. He's just an outcast, he doesn't have any other friends but.. well- you." She said, looking me up and down.

My lip started to quiver out of anger, I bit down on it, trying to stop it and control whatever I was about to unleash. "Say one more thing about my brother, I dare you." I seethe out of anger. She raises her eyebrows as if I was challenging her to something. "Your brother is a complete weirdo." She looked over my shoulder, making eye contact with Billy, smirking.

Before I knew it, I tackled Ansley to the ground and started pulling at her pigtails. I scratched at her face, making it red and irritated. She screamed and cried as I kept punching and slapping at her. She tried to kick me off and scratch me where ever she could, but failing miserably. I pulled one of her pigtails out of the pretty pink hair tie and bow that held it all together, throwing both of them somewhere on the playground.

I was soon dragged off by a teacher and taken to the principal's office.
"What were you thinking Y/n?!" Mrs. Hart sternly asked me. I simply shrugged in response. "She was talking about Billy," I state. "That gives you no reason to attack her! Do you know how much trouble you could have gotten in if the authorities got involved?!" She yelled. My face twisted in confusion. "What are the authorities-" I was cut off by her annoying ass voice ringing in my ears. "The police, Y/n!"
I continued to get scolded before I was sent home and suspended for a week.

It was worth it though.

Present time

I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ears. I reached over and shut it off, groaning as I started to slowly awaken. I rolled over and groggily got out of bed and walked over to my closet. Grabbing a simple outfit.

outfit of the day(can change)

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outfit of the day
(can change)

I slipped into my vanity's chair and grabbed my brush, quickly brushing through my h/c hair. I put my brush back onto the vanity's counter and slip my mascara out of my makeup bag, brushing it onto my eyelashes. I sighed and looked at my appearance, making sure I looked at least presentable.

I got up from my vanity and walking into the hallway bathroom. I grabbed my toothbrush and ran it under the cold water before putting a glob of mint toothpaste on it. I scrubbed at my teeth, the minty taste taking over my mouth. I spit it out after 2 minutes and washed my mouth out with water.

I walked down the steps slowly, trying to waste time in order to not go to school. My mother turned her head, greeting me with a bright smile. "Good morning Y/n!" She beamed. I hummed in response and sat down at one of the island's seats. "I made you some waffles for your first day back!" She set a plate with 2 waffles covered in maple syrup sat right in the middle of the plain white plate. "Thanks momma." I weakly smile.

She smiles and turns back around, making more waffles for herself and my sleeping father.
I immediately dig into the waffles in front of me, the warm syrup covering my mouth in a savory sweet substance. I smile and quickly finish them after glancing at the clock, I had to leave now if I didn't want to be late. I set my plate in the sink before rushing out the door, mumbling a goodbye to my mom.

Today was going to suck.

HIIII💕💕 this is kinda a short chapter BUT ITS OKKKK!! I promise that there will be a longer chapter sometime this week🫶🫶🫶 but anyway have a good day/night😘😘

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