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I woke up in a basement again and immediately felt a sharp pain, everywhere.
I look down at my arms and legs to see that the belt cut straight through the thin sweater I was wearing, cutting up my arms completely, along with my legs and parts of my face. I then notice that I wasn't in the same basement as I was before, this one had cement walls and dirt floors. Along with a wooden staircase in the middle, I decide to not go up it, looking at what happened last time I went up some of this asshole's stairs.

I look around and see 2 big piles of dirt and 2 other empty body-sized holes. 'What the fuck?' I thought to myself, walking over to them. "Oh, your awake!" A giddy voice comes from the rickety staircase, followed along with footsteps heading down the stairs.

I turn around and see him. He was walking down the stairs with a fucking pep in his step.
What the actual fuck is wrong with this guy? I mean he kidnapped 4 kids and killed two, and this fucker can just live with that on his back? "What the fuck is wrong with you? I mean damn, you killed 2 fucking kids and kidnapped 4. And you can just fucking live like this, with kids rotting away in your basement? Your pathetic." I sneered.

He stood quietly at the bottom of the staircase, staring at me like he didn't understand a word I just said. "What? You deaf cuntwad? Speak!" I yelled, getting angrier every second he didn't answer. I could see his eyes getting teary under his mask, I didn't feel bad. I refused to show any signs of sympathy for that cuntwad, I mean he killed my fucking brother. How could I show sympathy for him?

"I-I'm sorry. You can go back to Vance when you've calmed down." He says walking up the creaky stairs. "He misses you." The grabber says before leaving, the door shut and locked tightly behind him.

My eyes started to feel teary again, I missed Vance, I missed his hugs, his comfort, him. I blinked back my tears, not daring to let them fall. Instead of mourning, I decided to sleep. Even though I was scared about what would happen to me, sleep helped me with everything. It helped when I was sick, tired, upset, or right now, trying to escape something. Or I'm this case, someone.

I curled into a ball near the corner of the room and slowly, but surely, drifted to sleep.

Gwens pov

I woke up from another one of my dreams, this time I had seen Y/n and Vance escape.
I was able to see which house they were being held in, and it was helpful to the detectives and me. In the detectives' case, they wouldn't have to worry about the grabber anymore, and finally lock him up for good. But in my case, I would finally be able to see Y/n again.

Y/n was like a big sister to me.
She always was by my side and believed me when nobody else would. She was great at comforting people and making them feel loved and appreciated, I guess that's where I learned it.

I was sitting in the nurse's office, taking a nap before I sprinted out of the nurse's doors and towards the front of the school, where the telephone was. I needed to call detective wright. I put a quarter into the slot before punching in the numbers on the card I held in my hand.

The phone rang and rang before a voice on the other line made me jump. "Hello, Denver police station." A bored woman's voice chimed through the speaker. "Hello! I need to talk to detective Wright please!" I said, stuttering. "Uh-huh, and what's your name?" "Gwen, Gwen Blake."

"Ohh, your that girl with the dreams right?" She chewed her gum loudly while sipping a drink that I assumed was coffee. "Yes! Now please, I need detective Wright!" I yelled, now this lady was just pushing my fucking buttons. "Ok, ok missy. No need to get worked up. I'll get you switched over to his line." I sighed as I heard a flat line, shortly interrupted by his voice.

"Hello?" A deep voice exclaimed through the phone speaker. "Detective Wright! I had another dream. I know where the house is now."

bro, finally we are so close to getting out of that ratchet basement😒 BUT ANYWAYS SOREY ABT THE SHORT CHAPTER I HAVE BEEN VERY BUSY LATELY WITH MY OTHER BOOK. I've been trying to get all of these new chapters out on time but it's so hardddd. BUT ANYWAYS LOVE YOU GUYS 🫶🫶🤭🤭

Heart stopper// Vance Hopper x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now