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I finally made it back to my house. And Billy was the only thing that was on my mind. I was scared, no, I was terrified for Billy. I just wanted him to be found and brought home safely.

I sigh, bringing myself back out of my thoughts.
I take Max's leash off of his collar and hang it on the coat rack next to the door. I drag my feet along the floor as I walk slowly over to the couch that sat in the living room. Reaching for the remote, before I was interrupted by somebody knocking on the door.

I groan before getting off the couch and walking over to the door.
I open up the door carefully before I see Finney and Gwen standing in front of the door. "Oh, hey guys..?" I say opening up the door the rest of the way, clearly upset. I wasn't upset at them, just about everything that was going on in my life.

"Hey Y/n, we heard about Billy," Gwen said, a guilty look on her face. I had known Finney and Gwen ever since I moved here, 4 years ago. And both of them were amazing at comforting people. "Yeah, it's all over the news-." Finney continues, but Gwen cuts him off with a slight punch to his arm. Well, let me correct myself Gwen was good at comforting.

I sigh again, knowing about the horror that awaits me on Monday. Finney awkwardly stood there, most likely regretting what he said. "Here come in, it's cold outside." I let them both in and they both make their way over to the couch. "So, why did you guys come over?". I sit down on the couch next to Gwen. "We just wanted to check on you and your parents to make sure you all were ok.." Gwen said. "Well speaking of your parents, where are they?" Finney questioned. "They started a search party for Billy a while back." Everyone was silent. There wasn't much to talk about anyway.

"Well, me and Finney should be getting back home now. Our dad didn't want us to stay over for to long. Bye Y/n" Gwen and Finney hugged me and said there goodbyes. I waved them goodbye and shut the door behind them.

I went upstairs and into my room to pick out my pjs for the night. I looked through my drawers in search for something to wear. When I found something.

I sleepily fell onto my bed, almost immediately falling asleep

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I sleepily fell onto my bed, almost immediately falling asleep.

Gwens pov

I sat straight up in my bed, I had another dream. It was about Billy, and I needed to tell Y/n about it. She didn't know about the dreams, but she needed to know about this one.
I looked over at the clock that was sitting in my bedside table, it read 12:03 AM. I sprang up from my bed and threw on a t-shirt, blue jeans, and my shoes. I quickly brushed through my dark brown hair and ran out of my room

I ran down the side walk, trying to get to Y/n as soon as possible. She needed to know.

I got to her house and knocked repeatedly on the door. I heard footsteps walking lazily towards the door, the door swung open and I saw Y/n. It looked like she had just woke up, "Gwen? What are you doing here so late?" She asked, her voice scratchy from just waking up. "I had a dream." I told her. "You came to my house at 12 o'clock at night, because of a dream?" She sounded kind of annoyed. "No you don't get it! Look, can I just come in? I'll explain everything!" She looked like she was hesitant about it until she opened the door wide enough to let me in.


I had told her about my dreams, including the one about Billy. She looked genuinely horrified, I felt horrible. "So he's in a basement..?" She questioned me, tears were swelling in her eyes. "I think, I'm not really sure where he was.." I shouldn't have told her. Her face crushed my soul, she looked really hurt. "I think I should go now." I said, getting up from the couch. She just sat there. I stood up and left her house, walking back home.

Y/n's pov

I couldn't believe it, Billy might never be found. That he was locked in somebody's basement.  That Gwen has dreams about all of the ghost boys. I didn't was at to believe it, but I knew that Gwen wouldn't lie about shit like that. I felt like I couldn't trust anyone anymore. That everyone might be a threat.

Tears pierced my eyes as I was lost in my thoughts, they slowly fell down my cheeks when I grew deeper and deeper in thought. I got up and stormed off into my room, my sadness now being pure rage.

I didn't want to go to school, I didn't want to leave my room, I didn't want to do anything without Billy by my side.

6:46 AM

My alarm rang throughout my room, waking me up. I groan and reach for the button that would make it stop. The horrid ringing stops as I hit one of the buttons on top of the alarm.
I groan and slowly sit up, I had gotten no sleep last night, but my mom still wanted me to go to school in case Billy showed up during the day. I knew he wouldn't, I just wanted to make my mom happy.

I got up and picked out a cute, but simple outfit. I had to pick out my outfit this morning because I just didn't have much motivation to put together a complicated outfit the night before.

 I had to pick out my outfit this morning because I just didn't have much motivation to put together a complicated outfit the night before

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outfit of the day
(can change)

I laid the clothes out on my bed and went to take a shower.
I turned on the shower, feeling cold, but then warm water rush over me, soaking me completely. I just stood there, waiting for something, anything to happen. But nothing ever happened. The water just kept rushing and rushing over me.

I stood there, lost in thought. When something came into my mind, I don't know if this was the anger that had built up over all of the years, or the sadness. But my mind told me, don't take shit from anyone today. And it stuck with me that whole morning.


I soon found myself walking to school, hair brushed, teeth clean, mascara applied, nice clothes on my body. I didn't look like a mess?
Even if I didn't have motivation to even get out of bed that morning I still wanted to look, pretty, presentable, anything.

omg I feel so bad for Y/n in this chapterrrr :((((. I have some ideas for the next few chapters, but not much sooo if you have any ideas PLS COMMENT THEM HEREEEEE.

Heart stopper// Vance Hopper x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now