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Y/n's pov

The lights around me and Vance switched on, but me and Vance had prepared weapons and a plan to kill the grabber. I wrapped my hand around a glass bottle that had been broken and turned it into a knife. Vance had a piece of the toilet lid that he had carved into a shank.
Me and Vance had set up a trip wire that would make the grabber fall straight into the hole we dug and break his ankle on the bar that once covered the window, now of course being ripped off and put into a hole.

The plan was to get the grabber angry and storm towards us, swing at him a few times, then lead him over to the hole in the ground, then it was a quick and easy kill. Even if it sounded easy, it would be hard, and scary.

My heart raced as the door slowly opened, revealing the grabber. "Oh hello! Just came down to check on the both of you!" The grabber beamed, ew. "Get the fuck out, jackass." Vance snarled. The grabber fell silent as he began to grow angrier. "That's not very nice. I'm just trying to lighten the mood up in here." The grabber plainly states. "You not fucking welcome here, asshat." I butt in. The grabber starts to storm towards us before Vance swings at him, stabbing him in his side.

He shrieked out in pain and held his side. Vance punched him, using the little strength he had left. He fell back, almost not catching himself right after. "You bitch!" The grabber yelled, running at Vance. I darted towards the both of them, slicing the grabber down his back with the broken glass. He yelled out in pain before turning around to look at me, pure rage in his eyes.

My eyes widened before being dragged by Vance over the trap and into the hallway. The grabber chased us and fell into our trap that had been perfectly laid out. His ankle made a gruesome crack as he fell straight onto the metal bars below him. He yelled out in pain again before Vance reached for his mask, pulling it off of his face.

Under his mask, he looked like any other ordinary person. Somebody that you wouldn't ever expect of something as horrible as this was. The grabber started to scream and put his hands over his face, doing the most to cover up his identity. Vance held the sharp object in his hand before swinging at him again, slicing his neck open.

He held his neck, choking on his own blood. "Holy shit," I mutter under my breath.
He grew weaker u til he was fully out, lying there in his own pool of crimson blood.

Vance dropped the knife and grabbed my wrist carefully, causing me to drop the broken bottle as well. He led the both of us up the steep steps and into the kitchen. We both walked in silence as we made it to the front door. It took Vance a minute to see the bike lock that had been planted on the door, causing him to kick the door completely down.

I shielded my eyes from the sun that I hadn't seen in weeks before looking out onto the street, greeted by cop cars and people flooding the streets. My eyes began to tear up as I saw my parents talking to one of who I assumed was a detective. I shifted my eyes to the sidewalk, seeing Gwen sitting there, staring right back at me.

"We did it Vance."

Gwen's pov

No way.
I saw Y/n across the street, standing there beside Vance. My eyes got teary before I ran over to her, embracing her into one of my hugs. "Hey, Gwenny." She laughed. "Y/n, I missed you so much." I sobbed. "I missed you too." She said as she hugged me back, I never wanted to let go.

We were both ripped apart from each other by the detectives, she looked at me sympathetically before being taken to an ambulance to be checked for any severe injuries. I smiled and went to sit back down on the sidewalk.

It was all finally over.


OK, SO DONT WORRY THIS ISNT THE LAST CHAPTER, I STILL HAVE A PLAN FOR A FUTURE CHAPTER😈😈. and I am truly sorry that this hasn't been updated in a while one of my pets just passed so it has taken lots of motivation to work on the both of my story's 🫶🫶. anyways love you all!!!❤️❤️❤️

Heart stopper// Vance Hopper x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now