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Y/n's pov

I walked down the hallways, remembering the scene I had just caused. I cringed and began to slow down my pace to the office trying to waste as much time as I possibly could, I hated that fucking principal. All he ever did was over-punish kids and get them into even worse shit with their parents. I groan and remember how mad my mom and dad will be that I'm getting in trouble on my first day back.

No one else was roaming the halls, or so I thought.
My fingers ran along the cold metal lockers, making the tips of my fingers a pretty shade of pink. Behind me somebody cleared their throat, making me slightly jump. I spun around, being met with Moose staring right at me. I gave him a bored look, trying to give him the hint that I didn't want to talk to him. "Hey, Y/n," Moose said with a smug grin on his face. I sighed and looked him in the eye, "what do you want Moose." I groan.

He took a step closer to me, making me take a step away from him. He sighed out of frustration and started talking again, "I was just coming to ask you if you maybe wanted to hang out today after school." I looked at him confused, why would he want to hang out with me? We pretty much never talked. "No." I wiped the confused look off my face and replaced it with another bored expression. This bitch must be out of his fucking mind if he thought I would want to be around him, that would ruin my whole reputation if I was ever seen with him.

His face dropped and he furrowed his eyebrows together, "alright, I can take a hint. Goodbye Y/n." He smirked while throwing his hands up defensively, backing away before fully turning around and making his way back down the hall and toward his class.

I roll my eyes and continue my walk to the office.

Moose's pov

I don't get it.
Why didn't she want to hang out with me? I mean, if I gave that chance to any other chick they would accept it immediately, right? Well, I don't have to worry about that, I just have to get Vance to hate her again then she'll be crawling over to me.

I smirk and open up the classroom's door, heads turned to look at me before turning back over to the front of the classroom. I walked back over to my seat and drifted off into my thoughts, most of them being about how I could get Vance to despise Y/n again.

That's when it hit me, there was a baseball game this Saturday, and Y/n and Vance will be there. All I had to do was get Y/n alone with me and in sight range where Vance could see us and just simply kiss her. Vance would be fucking pissed, but he wouldn't do anything to Y/n, maybe me but who cares. I'll get Y/n.

I bring my attention back to the teacher as she is explaining the answer to someone's question, making it into a whole new lecture. Great. She always does this, the first chance gets to just drag on about something, and she will do it with zero hesitation whatsoever. I sigh and sink deeper into my chair, taking in the fact that this class will take forever to get through.

Y/n's pov

Time skip

I woke up to my alarm yelling at me. I groan, reaching over to press snooze before realizing why I set it in the first place. My eyes burst open as I frantically try and check the time. I sigh as it only read 9:57, which gave me time to take a shower and do my routine. I sit up in my bed and stretch before walking groggily over to my closet in search of a decent outfit that I hadn't already worn this week.

I eventually found a cute but simple outfit, I reached into my jewelry box and pulled out some rings and earrings, setting them carefully beside my dresser.

outfit of the day(can change)

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outfit of the day
(can change)

I grabbed my clothes and headed into the bathroom, stopping by the hallway's closet to grab a towel. I closed and locked the door behind me, reaching over to the shower handle and twisting it making the warm water pour into the shower's tile floor. I took my clothes off, tossing them into the bathroom hamper. I finally stepped into the shower, the warm water rushing over me.


I had finished getting ready and it was almost time to go. I freshened up my mascara before hearing the doorbell chime throughout the house, making me squeal out of excitement. Vance was here! I rushed down the steps and opened the front door, revealing a grumpy Vance. I raise my eyebrow, a smile still present on my face. "What's wrong Vance?" I question stepping out the front door. "Moose was talking shit." He huffed.

I frown "about me or you?" I ask. He looks and me before back down at the ground. "Our relationship.." Vance mumbles. I sigh and lightly grab both sides of his face, making him look at me. "Since when do you care what he says, Vance?" I reassuringly say. "Plus I love you no matter what anyone says." I smile and quickly peck him on the lips before grabbing his hand and dragging him along the sidewalk to Finney's game.


HIHI! ok so the school dance was SO FUNNNN!! I got this really cute dress and it WORKED PERFECTLY FOR THE THEME🤭🤭 but also moose needs to mind his own business😐 ANYWAYSSSS HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT

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