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My breathing hitched as my eyes met Vance and all of his asshole friends. I have to admit, Vance and his friends could be scary at times, mostly because of their deathly glares and reputation.

"Well, looks like we have ourselves a Showalter, huh?" Vance teased, still not letting go of my shoulder. "Vance, let me go," I said firmly, I knew it wouldn't work, ever, but it at least would be worth a shot.

Vance glanced back at his friends with that same shit-eating grin and the same ocean-blue eyes that I just so happened to be greeted with. "Why isn't Billy with you today?" Vance questioned. What? Why would he care why Billy was or wasn't with me, it wouldn't ever be his fucking business. "Why the fuck do you care?" I say through gritted teeth. Vance's face changed from a grin to pure anger. And before I knew it I was being dragged outside the Grab n Go.
At that point, everything that could happen to me is spiraling around in my head.

Vance's friends grab my arms and start pushing me outside. But, I don't budge, I keep my feet planted on the ground refusing to move. "Why the fuck isn't she moving?" Vance asks, glaring at his friends. "Because I'm not going anywhere with you shitheads." this time I decided to finally stand my ground. Of course, it didn't end well, Vance dragged me by my h/c hair behind the Grab n Go.

Harshly, he shoves me to the ground. I groan as my head hit the wall. I look up at him, glaring.  I was pissed off, and he could tell. He grinned at the scowl on my face.

Vance was about to continue what he started when someone shouted to our left. "Hey dipshits!".
Our heads shot over to the direction of the voice when our eyes met with Robin Arellano, I had never really known Robin, I had only known him from all the fights he gets himself into and that he was one of my neighbor's friends, Finney Blake.


Vance and Robin had started a pretty heated argument, so I took my chance to get the fuck out of there. I got up from the wall and ran around the corner, meeting the Grab n Go entrance once again.

I couldn't leave because Billy would come to the Grab n Go not knowing I went home, and have an even longer trip home. So, I decided to wait for him in the candy aisle.
I went over and searched the shelves, looking for a candy that me and Billy would both enjoy. Then, a pack of skittles caught my eye.

I pick them up and walk over to the counter, pulling out 2 dollars and putting them on the counter. "Is this all?" the cashier asked. "Yep! But I think you might have dropped some change over by your foot." I said pointing behind the counter. She looked over by her foot, taking her eyes off of me, and I took my chance and grabbed a pack of cigarettes that were out of the display, shoving it into my coat pocket.

She brought her eyes back to me, "I'm not seeing any change anywhere?" She said, confused. "Oh, I must be seeing things. Sorry miss!". I walked away, making sure to grab my skittles before leaving.

I sighed out of relief, seeing Billy riding his bike towards the shop. "Hey Billy!" I yelled, walking out of the store. His eyes met mine, "oh hey Y/n! When I was delivering the papers today I found this bracelet for you!". He walked over to me and handed me a green, yellow, and purple bracelet that also had some very little, white accents.

"Oh, thanks, Billy! Where did you find it?" I said putting the bracelet on my wrist. "Oh you know, just on the side of the road," he mumbled. "Oh? Ok then. Well, I got us some skittles to share on the way home." I tossed the pack of skittles toward him and we began our journey home.


"So how did the deliveries go today?". I look over at Billy, waiting for his response. "It wasn't that bad actually. I saw some of my friends during it!". Billy's smile beamed as both of us were silent. It wasn't a bad type of silence, it was the comforting type, like the type you could just have the moment take in everything around you.

That silence was soon broken when a pebble hit my back, I turn around. My heart felt as if it had just stopped when my eyes met Vance Hoppers for the second time today.

"Run," I whisper in Billy's ear. "What?". Billy looks behind us, his face almost becomes paper white as he sees the big group of assholes that awaited both of us.

We both sprinted down the cracked sidewalk, the houses around us looking like blurs as we sped past them. I glance behind them and see that they are catching up to us way too quickly. My head spun back around as I saw the trail that led to me and Billy's house. "Billy keep running, I'm going to take the trail. Don't stop running!" I yell to him as I turn down the trail.

The trail was a dirt path that passed through many people's backyards. I look behind me and see that all of them went after me, at that point I was lost in my thoughts. I looked forward again but tripped over a stick that was in the middle of the path.

I hit the ground with a loud thud and heard a crack come from somewhere on my face. I lift my head and feel the blood start pouring down my nose. I made an attempt to wipe the blood off of my face but ended up just smearing it across my face.

My blood ran cold as I felt myself being lifted off the ground by my leather coat.

HIII! Merry Christmas! There were lots of events in this chapter, and I plan to have a particular event involving a certain wrinkly old man and Billy.😘😘

Heart stopper// Vance Hopper x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now