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Tears streamed down my face, warming up my cheeks.
"Billy, you don't know how hard it's been without you. Mom and dad miss you so much, they looked for you every day." I said, a smile beaming off of my face. I heard him laugh a little before he began to talk once again. "Ok but in all seriousness Y/n, the grabber hasn't been getting much sleep, he's scared his brother will find you guys," Billy said, his voice much more serious than it was before.

I wiped my tears and started to talk again, "but, how am I supposed to go up there anyway. He locks the door now." It was silent for a few moments more until Billy spoke up again. "I don't know, but all I can say is get him when he least expects it, I tried to do that but I didn't have enough time." "Do you think we'll have enough time?" Billy went silent before the line once again went blank.

I put the phone back onto its receiver and turn around to see Vance looking at me worried, I guess he heard me and Billy's conversation. "Who the hell were you talking to? The phone doesn't work Y/n." Vance says while making his way over toward me. "That's the thing Vance! It does work, I talked to Billy!" I beam. Vance walks over to me and holds my face in his hands, checking me for any scratches or bruises, this bitch thought I was going insane.

"Vance nothing is wrong with me, I talked to Billy." I push his hands away from my face and walk back over to the door, pulling the handle, but it didn't budge. I sighed and walked back over to the mattress, sitting down on it. Vance followed shortly behind me, sitting down right beside me. I looked over at him to see him already looking at me.

"Vance I know how we can get out, take him by surprise."

Finneys pov

I missed Y/n.
She was like a big sister to me, always looking out for me, standing up for me when I needed it, and most importantly, being there for me when my dad would get drunk or when I needed someone to talk to.
But now she was just a part of my memories.

I didn't think she was dead, but I was starting to believe everyone who said she was. She had been missing for weeks, almost a month now. And I had no idea if I would ever see her again, or if she would only be a part of my memories.

I sat in my bed, not wanting to leave it. I felt as if my whole world collapsed when she went missing.

Someone lightly knocked on my door before opening it, it was Gwen. She stood awkwardly in my door frame before finally, speaking after what felt like hours but was only a few painful seconds. "I invited Robin over, he's the only person I can think of that would cheer you up." She looked down at her feet as if she was ashamed of what she did, she only wanted to help me.

I sigh and get up from my bed, "thanks Gwen, but can you get out? I want these last few minutes alone." I sigh again. She nodded before closing my door and walking slowly down the hallway, and back into her room.

I stretched and sat down on my floor, reaching for my spaceship flashlight and flicking the light on and off a few times before the doorbell rang and robins voice echoed throughout the house.


Gwen's pov

Today was the day that I would go out and look for Y/n, of course, I had Detective Wright right by my side the whole time in case I were to find the grabber. But I felt like I still wasn't as safe as I needed to be, sure I had the detective by me but it wasn't the same feeling when Y/n would walk me to and from school to avoid me and Finney's bullies.

I rode my bike down the road until I found the house from my dreams. My bike slid to a stop as the police car containing Detective Wright turned the corner and met me at the same house.

We are going to find Y/n.


Heart stopper// Vance Hopper x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now