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Vance's pov

I didn't know what to think about Y/n, she makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, it's weird.
I wanted to hate her, but I just couldn't bring myself to. It felt almost wrong to hate her. I hated most of the people in this shit hole of a town without a problem, other than her.

I walked behind the school, wanting to escape reality as much as I possibly could. Until my eyes met Y/n's h/c hair. Fuck it, I walked over to the wall and leaned against it. "Hey.." I trailed off, thinking she would just walk away from me. "hey.?" She sounded confused, I couldn't tell why tho. She should feel lucky I'm even talking to her right now.

I just stood there, looking at the ground. Until I saw her stick put her hand in my direction, I glanced at her hand and then at the cigarette she was holding, I hesitated before taking it from her and taking a long drag of it, before exhaling it.

"So why are you out here?" She asked, I glanced over at her and then back onto the floor. "None of your fucking business." I hiss, I felt weird after saying it, it felt wrong saying it to her. I didn't have a problem saying it to anyone else, but her. She sighed and leaned off of the wall, causing me to look over at her. And she just walked back inside. What the fuck? I started to understand why she left when the late bell rang. I huffed, knowing the teacher would give me so much shit just for being a few minutes late.

I soon followed her back inside, walking towards my next class.
I slammed open the door to the classroom and stormed in, I didn't want to be there. "Mr. Hopper, your late." Mrs.Taylor said, her voice echoing through the empty classroom. I ignored her, already annoyed as shit.
She sighed and went back to her lecture. As I sat down in my seat in the back and completely zoned out.

Y/n's pov

Why the fuck did he have to have so much god damn attitude? Vance pissed me off, but I didn't feel like myself when he wasn't around. It's almost like he had carved a hole in my heart that only he could fill.

I was sitting in Mrs.Taylor's classroom when the door to the classroom fly open, revealing the one and only Vance Hopper. "Mr. Hopper, your late." Mrs.Taylor said to him. He stayed quiet while walking over to his seat, which was right next to mine.

(Skip to the end of class

I was about to walk out of class when the teacher called both me and Vance over to her desk. "So, I have noticed that your grades are much... higher than Vance's." Mrs.Taylor said while looking at me. I gave her a confused look, pushing her to go on. "Now, you don't have to agree to this, but it would help both you and Vance." "Just get to the point," I say, now really impatient. "Would you be ok with tutoring Vance.?" She sighs. I look over at Vance and see a smirk on his face.
This fucker could be planning to trash my whole house, or thinking about getting his shit grades up. "Uh, sure? I guess that's ok." I say, shrugging my shoulders. "Great! It is recommended that you both start today, but you both can start whenever you feel like it!" She sounded a little too excited about this.

I walked out of the classroom and continued the rest of my day.


Me and Vance planned to meet up by the fence in front of the school, it was a lame meet-up spot but it will do. I walked over to it looking at my shoes, not watching where I was going. Until I ran into someone. "Hey watch where the fuck your going- oh it's just you.." Vance says, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "Yeah.. well we should get going," I say slightly smiling at him.

I started walking and he followed shortly after me, the walk to my house was awkward and silent. I didn't try to start any conversations as he would just end up cursing me out, and he just didn't want to put any effort into a conversation.

We eventually made it to my house, and I saw that my parent's cars weren't in the driveway, even though it was a relief as both of them would definitely freak out if I ever brought a boy home. "Where are your parents?" Vance asked, curiosity taking over his voice. "Out looking for Billy," I replied, it was kinda a simple answer as there wasn't much to say about it. He hummed in response.

I unlocked the front door, which led him and me into the house. Warm air hit our faces, and us immediately warming up. "Soo, do you wanna work in my room or the living room?" I ask taking my black converse off and putting them by the door "your room?" I nod my head and walk up the stairs, he follows behind me up the stairs, his blonde curls bouncing as he walked.

We both make it to my room and he stands at the doorway, taking all of my room in. "You like ABBA?" he asks, laughing a little. "Uh duh, of course, I like ABBA. It's the best band." "You have zero taste in music." He sits down on my desk chair, spinning it around so it faces me. "Like you have room to talk, blondie." I sit down on the edge of my bed, his mouth drops as I call him that. "Whatever." He huffs. I laugh a little at his response and roll my eyes.


I had been tutoring Vance for about an hour, and both of us were bored out of our minds. "Can we take a break?" Vance groaned, obviously frustrated with the math problems I was choosing. "Ok, fine. But it's just a quick one." I say getting up and stretching. "Finally," Vance grumbled. I roll my eyes and walk downstairs. I hear Vance following shortly behind me.

We both get to the kitchen and I check the fridge for the both of us to eat. I groan and shut the fridge door. "What's wrong with you now?" Vance said. "There isn't shit to eat," I whine. "Why don't we run down to the Grab n Go?" It didn't sound like a bad idea, there was just one problem. "Do you wanna go there because of the pinball machine?" "No.." Vance trailed off. I narrowed my eyes at him and grabbed $16 bucks off the counter.

OK SO I RLLY LIKE THIS CHAPTER NGL. I have some ideas for the next chapter but idk how well they would work with this story. I DONT HAVE MUCH TO SAY FOR THIS A/N SO BYEEEE!!🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶

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