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Grace's pov (Vance's mother)

I sat on my couch with my head in my hands, ever since Vance had gone missing my whole family had been struggling. I spent loads of money printing out missing papers to put up for Vance, the kids were all going crazy about him being gone. I felt horrible. Everyone had been sent over to live with their grandparents until I had gotten everything under control and was able to feed everyone.

I started to silently sob into my hands, thinking about my Vance, what he must've been going through right now if he missed me. I began to sob more until the phone rang in the kitchen. I quickly got up and ran towards the tan house phone set up on the wall. "Hello?" I said, picking up the phone. "Hello is this Grace Hopper?" A man's voice rang through the phone. "Yes, this is Grace. Who is this?" My voice cracked as I continued to speak.

"This is detective wright, we found your son."


I sped down the road, eager to see Vance. Tears pooled in my eyes, but I didn't dare let them fall until I saw Vance with my own two eyes.
I had been going way over the speed limit, but I didn't care, I need to see Vance, I just wanted to give him the biggest hug ever and never let go. I turned the corner and was met with red and blue flashing lights that were barely noticeable with the sun beating down onto the road.

I immediately got out of my car and rushed towards the scene, only to be stopped by an officer. "Sorry ma'am, you can't go any further." The officer said. "What? But my fucking son is over here! Detective wright called me, dipshit!" I was outraged that this raggedy ass bitch wouldn't let me see my own son that had been missing for god knows how long.

Just then, I saw a man approaching me and the officer. The cop turned around and was met face-to-face with who I thought was detective wright. "Let her through, this is Ms.Hopper." Detective wright defended me.

I brushed past the two men and was immediately met with my son sitting on the ledge of the back of an ambulance, a blanket draped over him. "Vance!" I cried out, now letting the tears flow down my cheeks. Vance's head shot up at the sound of my voice. He got up and ran towards me, "mom!" He yelled.

We both latched onto each other, embracing both of us in a warm and comfortable hug. I sobbed into his shoulder and he held back tears. "It has been so hard without you Vance, your siblings are going insane." I laugh. He let out a relieved sigh, "jeez. I kinda thought they would have forgotten about me." He chuckled.

We let go of each other and I got a good look at him, he had bruises and scratches all over his arms, neck, and face. "What the hell did he fucking do to you, Vance?!" I sternly stated. "Don't worry mom, he's gone now. But this isn't anything, you should see my friend, Y/n." My face softened at the sound of her name. From what I have heard, Vance would always talk about her, I swear he has the biggest crush on that girl.

"Well I want to see her, are her parents here? Did they show up?" I start looking around for the girl and see her talking to a woman and man that I assumed were her parents on the ledge of the back of an ambulance, a blanket draped around her shoulders. "Yeah their here, she'll still be happy to see you though..!" Vance suggested. I nod my head and start walking over to the young girl and her parents, Vance trailing behind me.

Their eyes look over to me, hers lighting up when she saw Vance behind me. "You must be Y/n, right?" I ask. "That's me, are you Vance's mother Grace?" She smiled, I think she has been wanting to meet me. "Yes, I am dear. This isn't a great time to get to know each other, so maybe sometime you and your parents could come over for some dinner?" I smiled at her, occasionally glancing at her parents.

She looked back at her parents, they both glanced at each other before her father nodded his head, agreeing to it. "That would be lovely." Her mother spoke up. "Great! Now Vance you have to go to your grandparents for the time being." I look over at Vance and can tell he doesn't want to go. "But why?" He groaned. "Because things aren't so good right now and I need you at grandma's."

Y/n's mom cleared her throat and spoke up. "We could take Vance for however long you need, just so he can still go to school, they've both missed a lot." I looked at Vance and saw he had a smile going across his face, indicating that he would want to stay with them. "Thank you! I'll send Vance over in a little, just have to get him some clothes and freshen up." I smile. "Just tell him to come over whenever he's ready." Y/n's mother's smile beamed.

I shot them a grateful smile before taking both me and Vance back home to get packed.


"Mom! How many clothes should I pack?!" Vance yelled from upstairs. "A week's worth! And if you need more just come pick some up from the house!" I yelled back.

Vance came happily trotting down the stairs with a bag packed and a smile drawn onto his face. "Well come on, I'm driving you this time, I can't have anything happening to you now. I just got you back." I playfully pinched his cheek, and he brushed my hand away, laughing as we both got into the car and drove over to Y/n's.



Heart stopper// Vance Hopper x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now