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3rd person pov

Vance had been going insane since Y/n got taken from the basement, it was the 2nd day without her and he had made progress.
He started to dig in the hallway that lead to the toilet, there was a big hole in the entrance to the hallway. But it was hidden by a rug, so the grabber wouldn't find out. He was continuing to dig his hole when the lights went off inside the main room. He popped out from the hole he dug, and quickly threw the rug over it.

The grabber walked in and Vance leaned up against the wall outside of the hallway. It took him a moment to realize that the grabber was holding something no, someone? "Tell your girlfriend to not be such a petty bitch next time." And with that, the grabber threw Y/n onto the ground. Vance ran towards her, immediately checking for any new marks. He lifted her arm and saw the marks and bruises from whatever the grabber did to her before.

His blood boiled as the grabber stood in the doorway, watching him. "What the hell did you do to her?!" Vance angrily yelled, standing up and running over to the doorway. "Oh well, she was being naughty, so I had to punish her in some way.." he spoke as if he was excited to tell Vance this.

He was fuming. Vance ran up to him and swung a punch, landing straight into the grabber's nose, making a satisfying crack.
He yelped and held his nose through the now-cracked mask, his eyes watering. "Naughty boy." The grabber spoke before leaving the basement.

Vance went right back to Y/n, crouching beside her. His eyes began to tear up, he hated seeing her like this. How could he let this happen? Why did he let his guard down? Where was he when this happened? Why didn't he do anything?
Questions raced through his mind, he just sat in the basement holding Y/n in his lap. Trying his best to comfort both him and Y/n.

Are they going to make it out alive?

The grabbers pov

Well shit.
That little cunt broke my fucking mask and possibly my goddamn nose. Why the fuck did these kids have to be so fucking difficult? Why couldn't I just kidnap someone else, maybe someone without major anger issues?

I groaned and held the tissue to my nose which was now covered with crimson red blood. The motherfucker can seriously punch. I'll have to watch out for him, maybe drug him to weaken him. I mean imagine all of the shit I could do with that fucker drugged.

I held a cold towel to my nose and looked over at my mask, it had a huge fucking crack going straight down the middle of it. How the fuck am I supposed to fix that?! I put the towel down, not caring I would get blood all over the place, and picked up the mask. I ran my finger down the large crack and furrowed my eyebrows. I put the mask back down and grabbed the towel again, putting it back onto my nose.

"That fucker is gonna pay."

Y/n's pov

My eyes fluttered back open, immediately seeing Vance holding me in his arms. "Hey, Vance." I weakly say. His head darted down to me, "holy shit you're awake!" He smiled as he brought me into another one of his warm embraces. I smiled as I stuffed my face into his shoulder, taking all of it in.

"Yep, I'm awake." I smile while rubbing his back. He brought me out of his hug and immediately looked at my scratches and bruises. "How did this happen, Y/n?" He spoke in a calm yet stern tone. My smile faded as I sighed. "I thought I could escape, but he caught me." I didn't want to tell him the full story, as he would be fuming at both me and the grabber. He held me tighter in his arms, I liked this, these moments were my favorite, when he wasn't mad he was just calm.

He slightly chuckled and let me go, I scooted up to the wall next to it, leaning against it. "I punched him." He managed to chuckle. My eyes opened wide, I laughed "no way! You seriously punched him?!" I laughed. He nodded his head, laughing as well.

I love him.


Vance had shown me what work he has put in and what I could do to help. Right now I was trying to get the bars that covered the window, I started to climb up on a loose cord I had found when the phone started to ring again. I walked over to it, hesitantly picking it up and putting it over to my ear. "Don't hang up." A voice spoke through the phone. "Who are you?" I asked the person on the other side of the line.

"I-I don't know, it's the first thing you lose when.." the person who spoke sounded like a boy not much younger than me. "When?" I asked, pushing him to go on. "You know.." "wait, am I talking to a dead person right now?" The line was silent, neither one of us continuing to talk. "I do know who you are tho Y/n, your my sister." My heart dropped and my eyes welled up with tears. "Billy?" My voice cracked.

"Yeah, I'm Billy."

omg, we are finally talking to Billy🤭🤭 but we are also not gonna talk about how I was supposed to post this yesterday👍

Heart stopper// Vance Hopper x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now