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Me and Vance weren't to far from the baseball field as we were now able to hear cheers and commotion up ahead. I looked over at Vance to see him already looking at me, "what?" I question with a smile present on my face. He shrugs, a smile slowly painting onto his face "your pretty," he smiles. I playfully bump into his shoulder and hold on tighter to his hand.

"What was that for?" He asks sounding jokingly offended. I shrug and knock into him again. He scoffs and let's go of my hand, leaving my hand to fall motionless onto my side. I look over at him, my mouth wide open. "Vance?" I tap his shoulder, he ignores me. "Vanceee," I repeatedly tap on his shoulder, now desperately seeking his attention. I draw an annoyed look onto my face and cross my arms over my chest, "fine, don't answer me then."

He looks over at me before swinging his arm around my shoulder and pulling me close to him. I smile, "that's better." "Your lucky I love you, Y/n." He smiles while pulling me closer to his side and letting both of my arms fall down to my sides.

Both of our paces grew quicker as we both now were able to see the metal bleachers us awaiting from a distance. "Come on Vance! Your so slow," I say while mumbling the last part. "Im slow?" Vance scoffs. "Yeah you are." I smile jokingly in his face. He smirks devilishly before speaking up again, "well then let's race, just to see who's really faster." Vance smiles, his arm dropping back down to his side.

I narrow my eyes at him before nodding my head at him, "fine, but I'm doing the count down." I smirk. He shrugs his shoulders before coming to a complete stop. I stop right at his side and look over at him to find him already looking at me. "Three.." I count. "Two.." Vance shifts his foot slightly, readying himself for our little race. "One!" There was a moment of silence before our shoes slapping the ground filled the air, along with some laughter here at there.

Vance immediately passed me and blasted down the sidewalk, leaving me in the dust. I laugh and called out his name, he didn't look back but instead kept running, not daring to look back at me. My running stopped as it was already obvious who won. "Come on! Run!" He yelled from a distance, laughter following behind it. My hand reached up and flipped him off, sticking my tongue out in the process.

Vance's pov

I watched as she slyly stuck her tongue out at me and flipped me off. I laughed loudly at her antics, adoring her as she grew closer to me.

She came to a halt right in front of me, embracing me in a warm kiss. I brought myself back into reality, her smiling brightly at me.

She truly was a heart stopper.


heyy.. how y'all doin??
but I am actually so very sorry for leaving this book on hold for forever, I'm sad to say that I'm am leaving this fandom:((. The amount of joy that this whole experience and support brought me is incredible, I want to thank everyone who voted for, commented on, or even just read my story. You all have actually changed my life, even brought me out of my darkest moments and made me laugh at the comments, automatically brightening my day.

thank you.

Since I will be leaving, I hate to announce that this is the last chapter on this book. I may possibly be back with another book that is based off of the fandom I have just joined, see you soon. :))

(also I will be deleting my Brady Hepner book:(( )

Heart stopper// Vance Hopper x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now