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Graces pov

I had worked a few extra shifts to make some more money, I missed my kids. I needed them all back home. I missed their funny bickering and their hugs. I wanted-no, I needed them back, how could I not need them? I had been there for them their entire lives.

I laid down on the couch. Taking in what has happened throughout the day. My train of thought was cut short when a loud ring came from the kitchen. The phone was ringing. I quickly got up and ran toward the loud ringing, anxious about who would be calling me this late. I pick up the phone, bringing it to my ear. "Hello?" I speak loudly into the phone. "Hey mom." it was Vance! "Hey Vance! What's up? Are you okay?" I worriedly ask him. "Yeah, everythings great. Just calling to check up on you, make sure you are ok."

"Well, everything is amazing Vance. I worked a few extra shifts so I could have you and your siblings back soon!" I say excitedly. "That's great ma! Um- but I do kinda have some big news for you." Vance sounds calm but yet so worried. "Well- go ahead! I'm ready for anything!" Vance sighs, getting ready for whatever news he is about to share with me. "Ok um- I have a girlfriend," Vance spoke fast, I almost couldn't hear him.

I squealed out of excitement. "Who is it?!" I ask him practically screaming. "It's Y/n," I could hear his smile through the phone. "Awe, I just know you two are the cutest couple. Wait- aren't you staying at that girl's parent's house?" I ask, dumbfounded. "Yeah, why?" I smirk, knowing what I am about to cause between the two teens. "Well I am just saying, don't do anything I wouldn't do." I smile. I hear a giggle from the background and Vance opening his mouth but quickly closing it. "Uh, I- mom we-" Vance stutters. I laugh at him. "Ok ok, but in all seriousness, I love you. Goodnight Vance." "night mom." I hang up the phone and walk upstairs, into my bedroom, and change into pajamas, collapsing into my bed soon after.

Y/ns pov

Me and Vance had been hanging out in my room for hours. We had been talking about school, the grabber, pinball, and just anything that came to mind. We laughed, we giggled, and overall just enjoyed each other's company.

My eyes were watering from how hard Vance was making me laugh. He was making fun of somebody in our class that we both weren't- fond of. "He's right behind me, isn't he." Vance mocked him, making me laugh even more. Vance smiled and kept looking at me.


We had both eventually grown tired and ready for bed, laying down and covering up in my blankets, immediately feeling the warmth rush over me like a raging tidal wave. Vance wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him, which soon lulled me to sleep.


I woke up in the morning to Vance's arms still wrapped firmly around my waist. I brushed the stray hairs that were covering his face away, getting a perfect view of his face. He looked so peaceful, his eyebrow wasn't furrowed, and he didn't look like he was about to beat the shit out of you. This was my boyfriend, I smiled to myself as I thought that.

I didn't realize I was just staring at Vance until his eyes started to slowly open. I smiled at him while his eyes began to adjust, "well good morning to you too." Vance laughed. "I love you," I smiled. Vance gave me a confused look until he smiled back at me "I love you too Y/n." He kissed me on my forehead and moved his arms, taking them off of my waist.

He sat up and I followed moments after, we both stretched and got out of bed.
I look over at Vance and burst out laughing. "What? What's so funny!" He asked, wanting to laugh too. "Y-your ha-hair!" I struggled to say it as my laughter kept interrupting me. He walked over to my vanity, looking at himself in it. He laughed at himself before trying to fix it.

My laughter dies down and I go over to help him. I softly take some of his hair in my hand and grab a hair tie off of the middle of my vanity. I put his hair into a low bun, making sure not to pull or tug at him, afraid that I would hurt him. He smiled at looked at his hair-do. "You should be a hairstylist." He says to me, dramatically striking a pose. I giggle and grab him by the hand, dragging him out of my room.

We walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I let go of his hand and walk over to the bread box. I open it and grab two pieces. "Hey Vance?" I ask, barely turning my head to look at him. "Yeah?" He walked over to one of the island's chairs, at made himself comfortable. "You want some toast?" I put my two pieces into the toaster and start cooking them. "Nope, I'm not that hungry." He leans back in the chair, watching me. I shrug and go over to the pantry.

I open the doors and grab some peanut butter, which was of course on the top shelf, but thanks to a stool it wasn't too hard. I set the peanut butter down on the counter and grab a plate and butter knife, setting both of them by the peanut butter.

Seconds later, the toast pops up, making me jump. Vance chuckles and keeps eyeing me like a hawk. "Shut up." I breathlessly laugh. I put the toast onto the plate and dip the knife into the peanut butter, spreading it evenly across the bread.

I take the plate and set it in front of the seat next to Vance. I sit down and look over at Vance. "What?" I question. "Nothing, nothing." He shrugs. I look at the toast and back at him, "you wanted some, didn't you?" I raise my eyebrows at him and smile. "Yeah.." he smirks and I give him one of the pieces of toast.

"You're lucky I love you."

OML I WANT THEIR RELATIONSHIP SO BAD😭😭 but anywayssss I had like zero clue what to do with this chapter🫣🫣 so it's kinda just a filler chapter and won't be too important in the future, but oh wellll. HAVE A NICE DAY/NIGHT❤️❤️

Heart stopper// Vance Hopper x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now