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Everything happened so fast.
All I can remember was the fight with Vance and then the car.

My eyes fluttered open, immediately focusing on my pounding head. I groan and hold my forehead, trying to ease the pain, but it obviously didn't help as the pain continued to deepen.
"Hey." A deep voice echoed throughout the room. I quickly sat up, looking in the direction of the voice to see a man standing in the corner with a spine-chilling devil mask that had an evil grin attached firmly to it.

"Look, I know your scared. And that you have no fucking clue where you are, or what's going on. But I promise you I'm not going to hurt you anymore, ok?" He said, walking over to me. He knelt in front of me, looking at me through his mask. A fake reassuring look on his face, this bitch was so fucking fake. Everything about him screamed fake whore.

"You like soda? How about this, I'll get you some soda and then I can explain everything to you." I glared at him, not daring to say anything. While he knelt there, smiling under his mask. He slowly stood up and walked out of the big metal door that stood tall in front of me.

I took that time to think and finally realize what had happened to me, I had been kidnapped. I had been kidnapped by that man with the mask. Why? Why the fuck did I let that happen to me? Why didn't I move out of the way? Why wasn't I able to hear the car coming toward me?
Questions raced through my head as I sat there on a stained mattress in the middle of what seemed like the masked man's basement.

I was scared, no I was terrified.
I had no idea where I was, and it really scared me. I just wanted to be at home. With max, with Billy, with my parents, all of us as just one big happy family again. I missed those days when I was excited to get home from school and when I would look forward to seeing my parents. But now that I think about it, I don't even know if I ever will be able to see my parents again.

The door harshly swung open, knocking me out of my thoughts. "Here you go, one soda."
My breathing sped up as he slowly walked over to me, the soda fizzing in the green bottle that he held carefully in his hand, not even daring to drop it. Once again, he knelt in front of the mattress I was sitting on and placed the soda in front of me. "What'd you put in it?" I say, showing the most attitude I possibly could. "Nothing? Drink it, don't drink it. I really don't care." The man said, his voice sending chills down my spine.

He stood up again and walked towards the metal door. "Wait, I thought you were going to explain to me why I'm in this shithole?" I spat, venom dripping off of my words. "What is there to explain? Look, I fucked up, and I promise that I'm trying to get you out of here. Just, everything is messed up right now." "If you let me out I-I won't tell anyone, promise!" I slightly stood up, my hope slowly building up. He stood there for a moment before walking out of the basement.

I sat back down when I started to get lost in my thoughts again. When it finally hits me, I had gone missing after me and Vance's fight. We were both left on bad terms and there wasn't a way to fix it now. What if I never escaped and I would die with Vance still mad at me.
But, I didn't want to think about any of that shit.

'I am going to escape.'

(time skip to Monday)

Vance's pov

I felt horrible about me and Y/n's fight, I decided that I would try and be the bigger person and apologize to her. I wanted her and me to be on good terms, speaking terms. But I had really fucked  up. One of my friends told me about the shit I did and why she was pissed. I get it though, I said some fucked up shit and I don't know if I can even forgive myself.

I walked into school and immediately went towards her locker. I had her locker memorized since the start of the school year, 636. I went over to her locker but, she wasn't there. Where the fuck was she? "Hey, where the fuck is Y/n?" I asked her locker neighbor. "I dunno, I guess she isn't here today." He shrugged and walked away, quickly glancing at her locker.

I started to worry a little. It wasn't like her to just skip school, or just miss it in all.
I walked to her first hour, hoping she would have been sitting in her seat. But she wasn't.

Where the fuck was she? Did she come home Friday night? It's not like her parents would ever notice, those shitheads never paid attention to her after what happened to Billy. They were never home, and if they were home, they would both be drinking their faces off. It's fucked up how they completely forgot about Y/n after Billy. Even if they were both still grieving, that doesn't allow them to forget about their only daughter.

I stormed down the school's cold autumn hallways. I busted through the school's front doors, storming down the street, I was going to Y/n's house.

Y/n's pov

I was going insane.
It has been more than a day, and he had only fed me once. I was hungry and sleep deprived, I stayed up most nights, scared he would come down and do something to me. I just wanted to go home. I missed Vance, even if he might still be angry at me, I just wanted to hear his voice again. He was my everything.

I was laying on the stained mattress when I heard the black phone next to me start ringing.

so I might try posting the next chapter tomorrow, idk if it will be out so no promises but I will try🫶. LOVE U GUYS❤️❤️❤️

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