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I rolled over on the mattress before crashing down onto the dirty floor, I groaned and sat up. Noticing the figure that crouched in the dark corner of the room, I only focused on it. That was until I heard Vance rolling around on the twin-sized mattress and tumbling down. I turned my head over to him, "morning sunshine." I said, a grin plastered onto my face. He just groaned in response.

I bring my attention back over to the corner and see nothing. I stood up and slowly shuffled over to where the person was before the phone started to ring. I spun around and looked at Vance still fast asleep, did he not hear it? I went over and hesitantly picked it up, "hello?" My voice echoed throughout the basement. "Y/nn.." I slammed the phone back onto the receiver and quickly backed away from the phone.

"The fuck is up with you?" Vance sat up and looked at me, rubbing his eyes. "The-the phone," I said, tripping over my words. "What about the phone? It's broken, remember?" Vance got up and walked over to me. "No-no I heard somebody..!" I yelled, now panicking. I looked at him with tear-filled eyes. "Are you ok? Do you need to lie down or something?" He pushed the hair that was covering my face off to the side. "No Vance! I'm perfectly fine! I'm not going insane!" At this point, tears were streaming down my face nonstop. His eyebrows furrowed at my sudden change in tone, "I'm sorry- it's just that I promise I'm not going insane, I heard somebody on the other line. Maybe they could help us!"

"How would they help us Y/n.. we have no fucking clue where we are. The only thing we know is that we are locked up in someone's basement." He said, keeping his calm tone. I started to cry even more. It was true, even if there was somebody on the other line, they wouldn't be able to help me and Vance get out. Vance hesitated before embracing me in another one of his hugs, I felt safe in his arms, like nothing could happen to me and all of my problems that once bothered me just disappeared.

"I don't want to die down here Vance."

Gwen's pov

I sat straight up in my bed trying to catch my breath, I had another dream.
I got out of my bed and ran straight to Finney's room to wake him up. I ran over to his bed and started shaking him awake. "Finney! Finney get up! I had another dream!" I yelled, still shaking him. The sun shone through the curtains and landed on his face. His eyes fluttered open and he sat up, rubbing his eyes. "What was it about Gwen?" Finney looked at me and saw that I was panicking. "Y/n! She was locked in this basement with Vance Hopper!" Finney's eyes slightly widened and he raised his eyebrows, pushing me to go on. "Then it cut to her walking upstairs, and then her screaming!" Hot tears had already started to form in my eyes.

Tears were streaming down my face as I uncontrollably sobbed into my hands. Finney sat on his bed, most likely not knowing what to do. "Did you see what she was screaming about? Is she hurt?" Finney questioned, his voice shaky. "No I didn't- but we need to help her Finney!" I sobbed. Finney had known about my dreams for as long as I had them. And he had always trusted me with them.

"Gwen, we have no idea where she is, how are we supposed to help her?" He questioned, getting up and walking over to me. "I'll try to have more dreams! Then we can find out where both of them are!..

Please, Finney."

Vance's pov

Y/n had fallen asleep after the phone call.
And I had gotten this time to think about everything. I thought about my brothers and my mom back home, and how they were doing. But I thought especially about my little brother, Austin. He would always get picked on by some shit faces that were in his grade. He never learned how to stand up for himself, so I had to do it for him. And I wondered how much I would have to beat those fuckers when I finally got out of here.

A glare formed on my face as the lights hooked onto the wall switched on and he walked in. He held a tray with a rolled-up newspaper on it. I glared at him, not planning to take my eyes off him anytime soon. As he put the tray down and threw the newspaper onto the ground near me and Y/n. He stays silent as he walks out of the basement. He closes the door behind him, not locking it fully. I was already too tired to get up or do anything for that matter. So I fell asleep and waited to escape with Y/n.

Y/n's pov

My eyes slowly opened, and I was greeted by a tray full of eggs and soda. But also a door not fully shut.
'Holy shit'. I think to myself. I get untangled from Vance's arms and walk over to the door, slowly opening it. I sigh, smiling. Thinking that I would escape and then come back with cops to save Vance.

I slowly walk up the stairs and was greeted by a brown wood door that was shut tightly.
I grab the doorknob and turn it, trying to be quiet about it. The door opens, and loudly creaks every little moment that the hinges move. My bright smile slowly fades as I see the grabber sitting in a chair across the door shirtless and with a belt in his hands. "Naughty girl, I didn't say you could come up, did I?" The grabber croaks. My breathing speeds up as he starts to inch closer to me.

Before I could react, he grabs me by my hair and throws me onto the ground. I scream out but was cut off by him hitting me across the face with that fucking belt. He kept hitting me, making me scream and cry, begging him to stop. My begs and cries were ignored as he kept smacking me with the belt. My vision started to go black as I passed out from the amount of pain and blood loss.

This bitch.

IM SORRY, BUT I COULD ONLY THINK OF THAT TIKTOK AUDIO IN THE LAST PART. but I think that I'm going to start another book of course I'm also gonna continue to write this one. It's gonna be about Brady Hepner soooo🤭. So I'm gonna update this chapter when it's out👍👍.

here's the other story👍

UPDATEhere's the other story👍

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Heart stopper// Vance Hopper x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now