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Y/n's pov

I was sitting on the gross mattress, my knees to my chest. When the door harshly flew open, slamming into the wall right next to the door.

I saw the grabber standing tall in the doorway, but he was holding something. No someone.
My heart dropped as I realized that he didn't listen to me, he grabbed another person. He walked farther into the basement, inching closer towards me and the mattress. He dropped the person that he let drape over his shoulder, making them fall right next to me.

I looked up at him, anger flowing through my eyes. "Hey, I know you said that you didn't want anyone down here with you, but I felt bad having you down here alone." He looked at me with sympathetic eyes, I scoffed that his remark. "Fuck off." I glare at him, not wanting to show him any emotion other than anger.

He sighed angrily before getting up and walking out of the basement.
I sigh a sigh of relief, looking back over at the person that laid on their side next to me. Wait, I recognized that blonde curly hair, "Vance?"

"Holy shit," I whispered to myself, flipping Vance over so he was laying on his back. I looked at his face, he looked almost angelic. He was beautiful. I moved the stray hairs that covered his beautiful features, looking at him, guilt and anger both rising above each other inside of me.
Tears welled up in my eyes, I felt as if it was my fault. That it was my fault he was grabbed. My fault he was down here with me. Like it was my fault he said all of those things at the party.

I backed up against the wall holding my face in my hands, letting the tears that I held in my eyes now pour down my cheeks and onto the palm of my hands.

I sobbed until I had no tears left. Until my eyes were red and puffy and my throat was dry.
I wiped my puffy eyes and looked back at Vance and felt all types of guilt rise in me again. He was laying peacefully next to me, not moving at all. That's when I started to worry a bit more.
"Vance?" I crawled over to him and started lightly shaking him, desperately wanting him to wake up. I shook him harder and he started to stir awake.

I sighed, relieved that he had woken up. "What the fuck? Where am I- Y/n?" He sat up, making sure to get a good look at me. "Yep, it's me." I shrugged my shoulders slightly before he embraced me in a warm hug. I wrapped my arms around him, slowly rubbing his back. He dug his head into the crook of my shoulder, I never wanted this to end.

Gwen's pov

Why did this have to happen to Y/n? Why couldn't it happen to moose? Or one of Finney's bullies? Why Y/n?

I could only imagine how both of Y/n's parents felt, both of their children going missing must be a horrible thing to go through. It was bad enough when they lost Billy, but now Y/n too?
I missed Y/n, she was the only person that cared about my dreams. But now nobody would even listen to my dreams, my daddy says that he doesn't want me to end up like my mother, but I couldn't help it.

Everyone was gathered in the gym for the 2nd ceremony that was held at our school, and it was about Y/n. The bleachers were filled with loads of kids talking and laughing. But everyone was silenced when our principal, Mrs. Hart started to speak. "I'm sure everyone knows why you all are gathered here today." She said loudly, making sure she reached everyone's ears. She was quiet for a moment, letting everyone think about it for a moment before starting up again, "we gathered you here today because of our dearly beloved student, Y/n Showalter." I heard giggling to my right, immediately looking over in that direction. I saw Chloe and her minions laughing about all of this shit.

That just really pushed my buttons. Me and Y/n were close, really close. And seeing people laugh about her disappearance, made me lose my shit.

Vance's pov

I hugged Y/n tightly, making sure that she was real and that my mind wasn't playing any tricks on me. I hugged her until I couldn't anymore until my arms ached and I couldn't breathe. I had my head buried into the crook of her shoulder, feeling her arms wrap around me was what I needed for the past week, just feeling her warmth again made me the happiest I've ever been.

We sat in each other's arms for hours, not ever wanting to let go. Before the lights connected to the wall around us switched on, making her jump back towards the wall. I looked at her, already missing her warm touch against my cold skin. "Y/n? What's wrong-?" I was cut off by the door swinging open, scaring both of us. I backed towards the wall after seeing who stood in the doorway, in front of us stood a man with a mask and shoulder-length hair.
He held a tray with scrambled eggs and what looked like a green glass sprite bottle.

"Oh hey, you're finally awake." The old man says, walking in and setting the tray down. He started to inch his way closer to me. Y/n quickly blocked me from the old man's view by standing right in front of me "don't fucking touch him." Y/n spoke through gritted teeth. He tilted his head and through his hands up defensively, "alright, I'm just happy he woke up." He said walking back towards the door. She sat back down next to me, almost as if she was protecting me.

I love her.

HIIII!!! I am slowly losing motivation to finish this but I will try and finish it as soon as possible😢😢🫶🫶🫶. I am also wondering if I should change the cover of the book? Just so it will match my pfp a bit more? BUT ANYWAYS ILY GUYS SM HAVE A GREAT DAY/NIGHT/AFTERNOON/EVENING.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🫶

Heart stopper// Vance Hopper x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now