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Y/n's pov

The detectives had questioned us for a little over an hour before taking matters into their own hands, investigating the body and the grabber's house. They were able to recognize his mangled face as Albert Shaw, someone who you would think o be a normal person. They sent us all home just a few minutes after questioning and I was sitting bored in my room.

I groaned, I had been waiting for Vance for hours.
What could be taking this asshat so long? I had been sitting in my room, waiting, for the last 3 hours. That had given me time to, take a shower, tidy up my room, call all of my family members, and catch up with some of my other friends. He was taking for fucking ever.

I groaned again and flopped onto my bed, putting my face in my hands. I peeked through my fingers, glancing at my alarm clock, it was already 4:39. This dumbass was gonna waste our whole fucking day.

I got up to go and call his house phone until I heard the doorbell chime. I ran down the stairs, immediately opening up the door to see a very tired Vance. "I am so fucking exhausted right now." I laugh at him before letting him into the house. He set his stuff down in my room before joining me downstairs in the living room to watch a movie.

I was picking through some of the CDS we had and found one of my favorite movies, 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre.'. I squealed and showed Vance the CD. "Look what I found!" I exclaimed. "Cool," Vance replied blankly. "Cool? Vance this is THE BEST horror movie ever! And all you have to say is cool?" I jokingly yell at him.

He cracked a smile and I started playing the movie. I plopped onto the couch right next to Vance, grabbing a blanket next to me, and covering myself up with it. "Hey.." Vance whined. "What?" I look over at him and see his diamond-blue eyes already looking at me. "I thought we were gonna share a blanket.." he mumbles, looking away. "I thought you didn't want to?" I smile. He nods his head over to me and I hand him some of the blanket.

He snuggles into it and we both put our focus back on the movie.


It was about halfway into the movie and I was getting tired.
My eyes started to slowly close and my attention was no longer on the movie, but rather on how my head was resting on Vance's shoulder, not long after I drifted off to sleep.

I missed this.

Vance's pov

Y/n was resting her head on my shoulder and I couldn't be more in love. Her eyes were a perfect deep e/c, her hair was a beautiful h/c, and her perfect berry scent, she was my dream girl.
I kept staring at her, eventually resting my head atop of hers and also drifting to sleep.


I woke up, immediately feeling more comfortable and warm, also noticing a weight on my chest. I look down and see a sleeping Y/n, I slightly smile before looking at my surroundings. It looked to be about 1-3 AM. I wasn't tired at all, but I could tell Y/n wasn't going to wake up anytime soon. There was a white blanket draped over the both of us, and my head rested on one of the couch's pillows.

I slowly sat up, trying not to wake Y/n in the process. I gently picked her up and laid her exactly where I once laid. Draping the blanket back over her, she cuddled into it and the pillow, she was so fucking adorable.

I walked over to the big window in the living room, looking out of it and onto the driveway. Her parents weren't home? "Weird.." I mutter to myself. I shut the curtains and walk into the kitchen for a glass of water. I take a glass cup from the cupboard and fill it up with some water.

I quickly finish it and put it into the sink. I walk over to Y/n and pick her up bridal style, taking the both of us up to her room. I open the door, immediately greeted with the smell of fresh laundry. I set her down on the bed and hop in next to her, comfortably covering both of us with the soft blanket.

I quickly fall asleep soon after, today was amazing.

OK SO THIS WAS A BORING CHAPTER😐 buttt I actually managed to get this damn chapter out🤗🤗 I am sorry about the long and desired wait for this chapter but things have been really hard irl rn, I'm kinda going through some personal problems right now but I plan to be out of it really soon👍👍 ( and hopefully getting these chapters out on time😬😬)

Heart stopper// Vance Hopper x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now