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After a few minutes, I made it to school. As I pushed open the double doors it felt like all eyes had landed on me. I saw people looking at me with guilty looks plastered onto their faces, I just wished they would all look away from me, I hated all the attention being on me.

I rolled my eyes and put in the code, opening my locker. I shove all of my things into my locker, putting the cigarettes and lighter that I stole a while before into my Jean pocket.
I walked to my first class, math. I hated math with a burning passion. I kept walking until I finally made it, pushing open the wooden door. Not many eyes were on me, as it was still a passing period. I sighed a sigh of relief as I sat down in the chair.


It was about 15 minutes into math, my head sat in my hand. I was deep in thought when the classroom door swung open, revealing the Vance Hopper. "Vance, your late." Mr. Johnson said to Vance. "I can tell, dipshit," Vance said through gritted teeth.
He walked between desks, pushing them out of the way as he walked. He had a glare stuck onto his face, he glanced over at me and his face looked as if it just.. softened..? The glare that he always had glued onto his face just disappeared.?

My eyes never left him, we held eye contact. I tried to read his expression, and he was trying to read mine. I didn't know how to feel, it was a mix of confusion and anger. I wanted to hate him, I wanted him to move away and never come back, I wanted him gone. But I could wish and hope all of this without feeling a little bad, and I can't figure out why.

Vance's pov

There was something about her, she made me feel like everything shitty was.. ok? I sat down in my seat, taking our eyes off each other. I didn't want to, but I couldn't have someone see me staring at the person who is supposed to be my enemy.

"Now that I have everyone here, I'm going to put everyone in partners. You both will be doing this worksheet about what I just explained." Mr.Johnson said making the whole class groan. "When I call your name come up here and get a paper. Stella and Amelia, James and Issac, Donna and Finney, Vance and Chloe, Micheal and Taylor, Olivia, and Liam, Lucas, and Emma, and finally Y/n and Bruce!" Shit. Chloe had this weird obsession with me, she would always find a way to try and get closer to me. Of course, none of them ever worked, I hated that bitch.

I stayed at my table and put my head down, making her go and grab the paper from Mr.Johnson. "Hey Vanceee" Chloe cooed. "Shut the fuck up and do the work." I hiss. She looked kind of surprised by my sudden outbreak, but she quickly set her mind on the paper.

I look over at Y/n and see her with Bruce, it made me feel something, not anger, it felt almost worse than anger. Like I didn't want her talking to anybody other than me. It made my blood boil.

I had my head in my arms, I was trying my hardest not to look at both of them. I don't even know why I was mad, it's not like I liked her!.. Right?
I snapped out of my thoughts when the bell rang, signaling it was time for 2nd period. I didn't waste any of my time getting out of that dusty ass classroom. I picked up my stuff and stormed out.

Y/n's pov

I had gotten partnered with Bruce in math, I've seen him around school and he looked like the sweetest person ever, and he was. I didn't like him just thought of him as one of my friends. He made me feel a bit better about Billy. It didn't take him fully off of my mind, but it helped.


It was lunchtime and I was sitting with Finney and Robin. I was having a good day and Billy hadn't been on my mind for a little until the principal announced something on the loudspeaker. "Instead of going to your 5th hour after lunch, you will all instead go to the Gymnasium for a memorial of Billy Showalter." The principal was looking at me the whole time she spoke, a comforting look on her face.

I hated this, I hated the pity everyone gave me because of my brother, I hated the look everyone gave me when I just walked by them. I hated that people thought that Billy was fucking dead. I just wanted everything to go back to normal, have Billy back home, people being scared of me in the hallways, Vance going back to being an asshole to me, even if the didn't like it, it felt almost wrong for him to be nice to me.

I got up from my table, anger-filled tears. And left the cafeteria. I was having a fun time, finally not thinking of Billy until that bitch ruined it. I hid in the bathroom until we had to meet up in the gymnasium. I didn't want to skip it because the only reason they were doing it was because of me.
I made my way out of the stall I was hiding in and walked over to the gym, I sat on one of the crowded bleachers and saw the picture of Billy. I hated this already, I just wanted to go home.

I felt everyone's eyes leave me when the principal, Mrs.Hartz started speaking. "Well, I'm sure you all know why you are here today, one of our beloved students, Billy Showalter, has gone missing. Billy was an amazing student and an amazing friend to many-." I slowly tuned her out as hot tears burned my eyes. I dared to let them leave, as everyone's eyes were on me.

Warm tears scattered down my cheeks, it wasn't the speech or anything that they were doing. It was my thoughts that were overtaking my mind. I thought that Billy would never come back, it was likely. The other boy never came back, so Billy won't. My thoughts ran through my mind.

Before I even realized I was doing it, I ran out of the gym, sobbing my eyes out. I hate school.

HI EVERYBODYYY!! I can relate to Y/n so much in this chapter, I wanted to make her one of the people who hate to cry in front of people, which I can totally get bc it gets so EMBARRASSINGGGG. But anyways if you have any suggestions or thoughts comment them here!!🫶🫶🫶

Heart stopper// Vance Hopper x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now