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Y/n's pov

I woke up and immediately felt all warm and fuzzy, that was until I felt like I couldn't breathe. There was a strong grip wrapped around my waist and it was making it difficult to breathe. I started moving around, trying to get out of its grip. "Stop fucking moving." A deep voice chimed above me, I immediately recognized it as Vance.

I relaxed and smiled to myself. Until I realized that Vance was in MY bed, cuddling ME!
Butterflies immediately started to swarm around in my stomach. I bit my bottom lip out of excitement and slowly fell back asleep, Vance's arm still wrapped firmly around my waist.


My eyes began to slowly wake back up, noticing that Vance wasn't in the bed with me. I sat up, completely confused and wondering where else he could go. I got up and looked around my room, expecting him to be at my desk, but he wasn't there.

I left my room, closing the door quietly behind me. I immediately heard soft voices coming from the kitchen downstairs. I walked carefully down the steps as all of the voices now became clearer and easier to understand. I soon recognized the voices as my parents and Vance.

I was a bit confused as to why Vance was talking to my parents, alone. But I just shrugged it off anyway and walked to the kitchen, stopping at the doorway to listen in to their conversation. "I think that you and Y/n would be perfect together Vance, don't worry about her father." My mom's sweet voice chimed through my ears. My face turned a shade of red and I smile was wiped across my beaming face.

"Thank you miss Showalter, that helps me a lot." Vance sighed, I could hear the relief and his bright smile just by listening to his voice. "Well, I am glad to help you, Vance. And if he gives you any problems, you come to me." My mom spoke kindly as if she was trying to ease his nerves. "I will-" Vance tried to continue to conversation until I walked into the room. I had managed not o calm myself down, not having a red face anymore, a smile only slightly drawn onto my face, and my heart not about to beat out of my chest.

"Good morning Vance, good morning mama." I smile, now walking over to the seat next to Vance and sitting down on it. My mom shot Vance a smirk as his face turned pink. I looked between him and my mom, trying my best to act oblivious to the conversation they both had. "Good morning Y/n, how did you sleep?" My mom asked, turning around so she could finish the pancakes that were about to burn.

"I slept pretty well, I was much warmer than usual." I smile, glancing at Vance. "How about you Vance? How did you sleep?" I question, already knowing the answer. He quickly looked back at me and a small smile cracked onto his face. "I slept pretty good too. Except for when you woke me up by moving around so much." He joked. "Hey, it's not my fault. You were holding me so tight! I could barely breathe." I laugh.

Me and him share a laugh before a plate of pancakes with butter and maple syrup gets placed in front of us. "I'll be back soon, I just have to plan some stuff for Billy's funeral." My mom says, a frown now present on her face. Me and Vance stopped smiling and now a frown on each of our faces. "Ok mama, love you," I say sadly. She puts on her shoes and grabs her coat and walks out of the front door.

Me and Vance watched her leave before beginning to eat our pancakes.


I took me and Vance's empty plates and followed him into the living room. "So, how are you doing after.. well.. Billy.?" Vance hesitantly asked. "I guess I'm doing ok? I am sad but it's all in the past now." I shrug, sitting down on the sofa. Vance nods and takes the seat next to me.

I sigh and look at him.

"Wanna go play pinball?"

HEYYYYYYY!!! ok so sorry about only uploading 2 times this week I'll try to do better next week❤️❤️ but anyways I hope you have a great day!!

Heart stopper// Vance Hopper x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now