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I stared at the phone, the line had been disconnected, I had figured that out the first day I ended up here, that obviously being the first thing I tried.
I hesitated before going and picking up the black phone. "Hello?" I said, my voice shaky. I heard static and quiet breathing. "Is somebody there? I need help!" I yelled, becoming more frustrated with whoever was on the other line. They stayed quiet. I harshly slammed the phone down back onto its receiver.
I sat back down on the mattress and leaned against the gross wall. My anger quickly turned to sadness as hot tears began rolling down my cheeks.

I cried for Billy, for Max, for Vance. I feel like I had abandoned Vance, and I felt horrible about it. I wondered if he was worried about me, or if he even noticed. Have my parents noticed yet? Had anybody noticed my absence? All of my thoughts rushed through my head, only making me cry harder.

I looked out of the small window, that just so happened to be out of reach. And saw it was dark outside. I was really tired, I wanted to sleep but I was scared of what could happen to me.

I gave up, and laid my head down on the mattress, making sure my head was facing toward the door. And almost immediately fell asleep.


My eyes slowly fluttered open, revealing the old basement once again. But what I didn't see was the person crouching in the corner, "about time you woke up." My eyes shot open, immediately looking at the corner. I just glared at him, I didn't dare to take my eyes off him. I took this time to get full detail in his appearance, his hair was shoulder length and very greasy, his mask that used to have a smile now has a frown, he was wearing a stained white shirt and black worn jeans.

"Look, I'm not gonna hurt you anymore." He gets up from the corner and walks towards the door. "I'll get you something to eat, ok?" He says, leaving the door shut tightly behind him. I curled up against the wall, bringing my knees to my chest and wrapping my arms around myself.
Tears brimmed my eyes, but I didn't want to cry. I knew he would be back, and that he would see me cry, so I did my best to hold them in.

He opened the door again, revealing a tray that held eggs and a green glass sprite bottle, "what's your name?" He said setting the tray down in front of the door. I didn't want him to know my real name, in case I were to escape without killing him. "Evelyn Johnson," I said, slightly hesitating. He tilted his head and threw a newspaper at the wall right next to me, making me jump.

He came over and crouched in front of me, "I've been thinking about something, you seem so alone in here, and I'm starting to think you need a friend down here with you, Y/n." He stared into my eyes through the mask. Anger rushed through my veins thinking of how another kid wouldn't come home to their family, how they wouldn't be able to see their parents. My glare strengthened as I grew angrier and angrier.
"Don't you fucking dare." I spat. "What?" He said, curiosity seeping through his deep voice. "I said, don't you fucking dare. I know you took Billy and Griffin, you're the grabber." I said this time more confidence stood out in my voice. "T-that wasn't me, that w-was somebody else." He managed to stutter out. He got up and quickly walked over to the door, shutting it behind him, once again.

I went towards the plate of eggs and looked carefully at them.
Nothing seemed off about them so I took one off of the plate and tossed it into my mouth. I waited a few seconds before eating more, eventually clearing the entire plate.

Vance's pov

I lay In my bed. I didn't have any motivation to do anything, I missed Y/n so much. I missed her voice, her soft hands, and even her bitchy comebacks. I just wanted her to be here with me, she would know what to do.
The one time I made a friend who isn't scared of me, I fuck it up, she wouldn't be missing if I had just gone after her. Maybe I would have been missing instead of her.

I heard soft knocks on my door, from my mom. "Vance?" My mom said softly. She opened my door and saw my laying in my bed. "Vance, baby. You haven't gotten out of the house for the past few days, I'm worried about you." My mom said, coming and sitting down on the side of my bed. "I miss her mom," I said, my voice cracking from the tears that were brimming my bright blue eyes. "I know sweetheart, but the police are doing their best to find her." She put her hand on my back, slightly calming me down. "I want you to try and get out of the house, please? I don't care where you go, I just really want you to get some fresh air." She took her hand off my back.

I sat up. "Ok, thank you, Vance, I love you." She said, getting up and walking out of my room, shutting the door behind her. I sighed and got up, walking over to my closet. I picked out a simple band T-shirt and jeans, slowly changing into them. I didn't bother brushing my hair, as it would just get frizzy.

I walked out of my room and down the hall. My eyes were still red and puffy from crying. "Oh, Vance.." my mom came over to me and embraced me in a tight hug. I hugged her back, putting my head onto her shoulder. She let go and walked back into the kitchen, "so.. where are you gonna go?" My mom asked. "Grab n go," I mumbled, putting on my shoes. My mom nodded her head and went back to washing the dishes that sat in the silver sink. "Bye mom, love you," I said putting on my coat. "Love you too! Stay safe!" My mom yelled before I opened the front door and left.


I was on my way to the grab-n-go when a black van approaching me caught my eye. It was parked on the road, right beside me. An old greasy man got out of the van with a handful of groceries.
I started to walk past him until he dropped everything he was holding. Cartons of eggs hit the ground, and fruits and vegetables rolled across the ground. "Oh clumsy me!" He laughed at himself. I stood there. Silently judging him.

"Will you help me, young man?" He said getting on the ground and starting to pick up the cartons of eggs. "With what?" My bitchy attitude slowly coming back. "Will you hand me my hat?" He pointed over to a top hat that sat sideways on the cracked sidewalk. I picked it up off of the ground and handed it to him, trying not to step on a fruit.

"I am a part-time magician." He said, standing up and putting on his hat. "Would you like to see a magic trick?" He opened the back of his van, and I looked inside it. "Are those black balloons?" I said, not answering his question. He slightly turned his head and grabbed the black balloons from the inside of the van.

Before I could do anything, I was put into a headlock. I tried to fight back but I got tangled in the mass of balloons surrounding me. I felt something being sprayed into my mouth and eyes. I got weaker and stopped fighting. My body went limp, falling into the arms of the old man.

The last thing I saw before passing out was the old man throwing me into the back of his van.

EEEEE I loved this chapter!! So much happened!!!! VANCE AND Y/N WILL REUNITE AHHHHHH.
ok so side note I watched m3gan last night AND IT WAS SUCH A GOOD MOVIE I RECOMMEND IT. also I can see how similar violet McGraw and Madeline McGraw look.

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