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I walked down the grey, cracked sidewalks.
I thought to myself, about anything. I thought about Billy, Vance, school, and why my mother was crying. I was dragged out of my thoughts when I was met with the commotion of the Grab n Go, ringing through my ears.

I open the doors to the Grab n Go and was greeted by the smell of weed and cigarettes.
I make my way toward the drink aisle, searching the fridge shelves for a coke.
After searching the shelves for a few minutes, I found a row of glass cokes sitting in one of the fridges. I opened up the fridge door and reach for one of the coke bottles.

I walked towards the cashier, setting the coke on the counter. "Is that all for you dear?" the cashier asked sweetly. I nod my head in response. "Alright, that's $1.60.". I put the money on the counter and take the coke from the counter.

I push open one of the double doors and make my way back home.


Billy's eyes fluttered open, and he was then able to get used to his surroundings. Not that he was able to see anything, his was vision severely damaged by whatever the old guy sprayed into his eyes and mouth earlier. The taste still lingered in his mouth, and his eyes still stung.

He was on a stained, hard, mattress in a room with concrete walls and floors. He was barely able to make out what looks like a black box due to his blurry vision.

Billy was still laying on the old mattress when the dark gray door that stood on the wall he was facing swung open, revealing the old man from earlier. "Oh great! Your awake!" The old man gleamed, his eyes wrinkled under his sinister mask, and the fucker was smiling.

Billy just stared in his direction, he was too scared to speak or move, thinking the slightest movement would somehow result in the worst scenario possible. "Not much of a talker?" The old man spoke, walking over to Billy. Billy still didn't dare to move, he just sat there on the stained mattress.

He chuckled kneeling in front of Billy. "You can't see shit, huh?" He chuckled again, what the fuck could be funny in this situation. He sighed, "well, I'll let you be I guess." And with that he got up and left the room, fully closing the door behind him on the way out.


I didn't know what to say or do. My dad had just told me about Billy's disappearance, it wasn't shocking to me, as I had already known he didn't come home at all yesterday. But it still hurt.
Tears streamed down my face as I sobbed my heart out and into my pillow. My parents left about an hour ago, as they were starting a search party for Billy.

I finally gathered enough courage to get out of bed. When I remembered I still needed to take Max to the park, as it was still a Saturday.

I sigh, thinking that this would be my first time going to the park without Billy. I didn't care about how I looked, I just wanted to get this over with. I kept what I had on earlier and quickly sat down at my vanity and quickly brushed my hair when I saw the bracelet Billy gave me the day he went missing.
I smiled at the memory, quickly putting the bracelet on my wrist

"Max!!" I yelled, my voice echoing through the house. Max came trotting around the corner, I laugh at his tongue sticking outside of his mouth. "Ready to go to the park?". His tail wagged. I clipped his red leash onto his black collar and walked him out of the front door, grabbing his toy rope on the way out.


I threw Max's toy rope, it flew, shortly after falling onto the dry October grass. Max chased after it, running right back to me with it dangling out of his mouth. I took it back from his mouth and grabbed his leash that was dragging along the grass.

Me and Max walked carefully out of the park, and back home.

Vances pov

I was at the Grab n Go, I had been there the whole day. My friends spoke loudly beside me, and they were annoying the shit out of me. "Would you guys shut the fuck up!" I yell at them, making all three of them stop talking.

I had been playing pinball, and I was pretty damn close to beating my high score. Until I noticed something. No, someone. Y/n was outside the Grab n Go walking her dog, it wasn't anything unusual, just that Billy wasn't walking beside her, as they would always walk somewhere Saturdays.

I hadn't realized I was staring at her until I heard the familiar 'ding!' of the metal ball falling down the side of the machine, making me loose. "Fuck!" I brought my attention back to the game, slamming my fist against the glass.

My eyes traveled back to the window, looking at her. She looked stunning, the red shirt she had on going perfectly with her h/c hair. Her eyes were a beautiful e/c that I could look into forever. She was perfect.

I was dragged out of my thoughts when I was tapped on the shoulder by my friend, Lucas. "Were you just staring at Y/n?" He said with a shit-eating grin, my other friends listening closely with wide eyes and grins. "What!- No!" I stuttered, fuck. "You were!" My other friend, Micheal, chimed in. "No, the fuck I wasn't!" I was, I just didn't feel like being proved wrong. And plus, we were supposed to hate each other.

I huffed angrily and turned back to my game, still having Y/n on my mind.

HIIII!!! sorry, this chapter took forever to FINALLY come out! I have just been really busy with school and family! I decided to do a different pov kinda thing in this chapter. I have like no ideas for the next chapter sooo😭😭😭. ANYWAYS HAVE A GOOD NIGHT/DAY/AFTERNOON/EVENING!!!!!🫶🫶🫶🫶

Heart stopper// Vance Hopper x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now