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A man in his late 20s sat in a bar and gulped a vodka shot down his throat when his phone rang.

"Yes! Right corner table." Instructing in his deep manly voice he disconnected the call ordering a few more shots for himself.

A sturdy man approached and sat infront of him. "Robert Marco." He introduced himself in his thick Italian accent.

Sliding the suitcase forward, the man asserted, "It has the exact money required, here's the card, show this and the work will be done." Robert took a look at the money and stared at the man in astonishment. The amount was insane just as the man. Who would waste his money for a fruitless task in his sane mind?

"Yeah, it has enough money to keep your mouth shut too. Don't ever show me your face again." Robert stood up with a nod and left with the snap of the former's fingers, silently obeying the command.

Gulping down another shot, the man also left, keeping a bundle for the payment.


Disturbed and scared, a girl in her early 20s looked around her surroundings and rechecked the address sent to her by the prospect, her step-father has selected for her marriage. She had hidden about the meeting from her mother and was now scared for herself, for the place appeared shady just as she anticipated.

Soon a man approached her with his group of friends. Her frown lines disappeared as she recognised him instantly. However, she couldn’t feel secure in his presence, for he was the reason she was here.

Clad in a baby blue kurta and pants with her trademark oxide jhumkas, she looked decent.

"Hey, this is Aryan Bhasin and these are my friends." Giving her a spooky smile, the guy introduced himself while staring at her comely figure with her lecherous gaze.

"Adira Maheshwari." She murmured meekly and tucked her loose strand behind her ear, a sign that she was extremely uncomfortable.

"Let's go inside." Aryan proposed, sliding his arms around her petite waist. She gasped, unprepared for a touch that felt risque and distanced herself, instantly.

"Umm... I'd like to leave." She couldn't risk staying here anymore and dialled her driver's number. She shouldn't have asked him to leave.

"Tsk! your girl is too shy man. Don't worry babe, we are family now." Aryan's friend teased her, snatching her phone and squeezing her hand salaciously.

She wriggled her wrist out of his hold, trying to push him away and they all laughed at her failed attempts.

"She looks hot even when covered. Without clothes, she will be a sight to behold. You are so lucky bro." His another friend murmured huskily rubbing his lips and his tone full of lust and hunger did nothing but added fuel to her fire.

"Don't worry! I won't be the only one to enjoy." Aryan winked naughtily and the group burst into laughter.

Tears welled up in her eyes hearing those vulgar comments and she felt more disgusted with herself and the situations that have brought her to this point. None of the passersby stopped to help her. The world is too selfish, she was realising it gradually.

Aryan gripped her other arm and pulled her to himself, crushing her soft front on his hard chest, purposely. Pushing him away, she slapped him so badly that she could feel her palm stinging. She knew, she will have to pay a heavy price for her rash move, but this slap was worth everything. "Don't you dare touch me again." Breaths raging and red eyes brimming with unshed angry tears managed to startle them.

Dashing away his friend that had held her hand, she sprinted in an opposite direction to save herself from these monsters, aware of them following her as she has bruised their ego badly.

Suddenly, a hand pulled her in one of the darkest corner of the silent lane. Widening her eyes in horror, she was about to scream but her mouth was sealed by a big and a rough palm.

"Hush, don't shout! They'll locate us." Her protest died down when she heard him murmur, his warm breath fanning on her forehead. He was too tall for her short fragile frame.

She shut her eyes tightly, feeling giddy with their proximity. The street light was falling on her face, sweat beads shining on her forehead showing her struggle. She looked spotless and divine. His face was invisible due to darkness, but he couldn't stop himself from staring at this seraphic beauty.

He slowly removed his hand from her mouth not wanting to suffocate her, his other hand still on her waist. He could feel her breathing heavy.

"Don't you know what kind of a place is this, that you came here alone at this time?" He scolded her rudely. The warmth disappeared.

"I... I came here for an alliance." She whispered stammering, still scared. He chuckled dryly which felt like mocking, but didn't say anything. Hearing the footsteps coming closer, he pressed his body to hers’, caging her between his arms. She hid her face in his chest and clutched his black button down shirt tightly. Her heart hammered in her chest as she inhaled his heady and alluring scent. These arms felt strong and warm.

Few minutes later, he looked around and on finding the area empty he distanced himself and she felt cold again. "Johnny, Kiskey Whiskey in five minutes." His cool tone sent shivers down her spine and she felt stupid to be attracted to her saviour.

"It is not needed, I'll manage. Thank you for helping." She whispered softly, brainstorming herself to find ways to get back home for she didn't have her mobile now.

"I can see how you'll manage. Save it." The man replied sardonically. His driver came running and huffing towards them not wanting to face any wrath from his boss and lose his job.

"Drop madam wherever she asks to." The man ordered his driver and left without sparing another glance at her.

He sat in his car and saw a bracelet hanging on his shirt, in the side mirror. Inspecting the string of moons shining bright in the dark, he was clueless but then remembered the incident happened just now. Shaking his head, he tossed the bracelet in his car's dashboard and drove off.

Sitting in the car she rubbed her bruised wrist and found her bracelet missing. She looked around but couldn't find it. Resting her head on the headrest, she closed her eyes and let her tears slide down her face soaking in her hair. She just didn’t lose the opportunity to save her brother but also her late father’s priceless gift.

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