26. Just Friends!

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"That shouldn't have happened."

Adira's breath hitched at those four word explanation. His thoughts resonated with the chaos in her mind and she didn't understand if that made her happy or sad.

That kiss shouldn't have happened. She shouldn't have given into her attraction for a man.

With her heart in her mouth she waited for him to say further, just not something disgraceful.

Drawing out a deep breath Aditya stared at her. It had never been easy for him to talk, a man of very few words as everyone says, but he has to start somewhere. He had left her on the edge, hanging for answers so many times but today the hope in her glossy eyes didn't let him turn away.

"Ani was correct. I shouldn't have spoken to you like that."

Adira released the breath she was holding. He was talking about their argument in the kitchen and she thought...

She just didn't understand what would have pinched her more—him not acknowledging their kiss or him sorry about it.

Her heart wanted something else altogether.

"For whatever reasons, Ani shouldn't have witnessed that. I should have been mindful of his presence." He elaborated and the part of the brain that felt the rejection took the offense.

"Excuse me? Are you insinuating that if Ani wouldn't have seen all of that, your manner of speaking to me or should I say insulting me is justifiable? You just want to fake in front of the world that everything is okay between us? How disgusting could you be Aditya?"

Her heart pounded in painful distress. Everything was a facade and now she was tired of playing this act.

"I didn't mean that." He quickly said, not understanding the cause of her pique. Weren't they both faking the non-existent normalcy between them before the family?

"You meant exactly the same! It's not the first time that you've been disrespectful and rude to me. Infact I can count on my fingers when you've behaved normally with me, and not snapped or used your infamous sarcasm with me."

Aditya shook his head. Why can't he ever understand this woman? Adira had always been unpredictable . Sometimes she had been so understanding towards him that it was unbelievable when she made him anxious, more than he has felt around anyone.

"You defended me before Ani. We fake it all the time infront of our families. Isn't this because you too want everyone to believe the lie that we are a normal married couple?"

He asked it away. If he lied, he was disgusting but when she framed an excuse or a lie, what adjectives would she add to her name?

Her eyes snapped at him. So he did hear her conversation with her brother and maybe that made him rethink his move. But he wasn't actually guilty for being demeaning to her all this time, was he? Why was he so difficult to understand or better why does she even try to understand his thoughts?

"I did!! But it wasn't to save your image or of our bitter relationship and neither does it justifies the way you talk to me." She gulped and continued,

"I defended you to save my brother's heart from breaking. The heart that trusts you. Aditya he's a kid, a brother who thinks his jiju is the best in this world and I didn't want him to feel disheartened and disappointed in you. He won't understand your games. He wants to believe and be assured that his sister is happy and wouldn't be alone after his.... Just because he shows himself strong, accepting the trauma life is giving him, that doesn't mean he isn't losing hope, day by day. He adores you Aditya. He trusts you and I don't want him to know that he's trusting the wrong person, not now, because when someone's trust breaks na, life isn't the same anymore. One cannot trust himself. Everything seems like a lie. You just not only lose hope in life but a bit of your confidence too. A fear that we might be repeating the same mistake of trusting the wrong person again hovers our each breath and I don't want my brother to go through that pain. Ever!"

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