14. Mrs. Adira Rathod.

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Sitting in front of a mirror I stared at myself and an image of a girl decked up as a bride reflected back at me. It was a day of my marriage, which is no less than a deal and I'm the undesirable reward, Mr. Rathod had paid for.

"Adi!! You look so beautiful." Mom exclaimed putting a black dot behind my ear. I blinked my eyes smiling faintly at her, the maximum I can fake at the moment.

"Nervous?" She asked holding my hands. "Sad!" My voice was hoarse as it's after hours that I'd spoken. The last time I spoke was when I handed the prenuptial agreement to Mr. Rathod with my signature on it. The day I lost my self-respect. I don't hate him anymore. I hate myself.

"It's natural Adi. No girl likes to leave the place she called her home and settle at a new place with new people. But in your case, I'm satisfied because your in-laws are so loving. I just want you to be happy now." She kissed my forehead, wishing all the love in the world for me. Her eyes were teary but she was smiling.

"I'm happy if you both are safe. I want nothing else." I pressed my lips, blinking back the tears threatening to fall. I don't want to cry anymore.

"Adi, are you still upset with Aditya, because of the designs?" I knew mom would ask this as we (Aditya and Adira) were under her scrutiny in all the pre-wedding functions. She must've noticed the tiff between us.

"Not anymore. You're a part of this project because of this so I'm happy with the consequences. We just need some time to get used to each other." Mom nodded in agreement.

When I'd proposed the idea of mom joining the company for the project as the deadline was close, and I needed guidance, I was prepared for an objection from Sagar but shocking all of us, he didn't show any protest. He agreed, passing the derogatory remarks as usual - how he knew I won't be able to handle the pressure. He had no say in AR's decision and for the sake of the company's reputation, he was letting mom join, but only for this particular project.

I was glad, also about the fact that when this project will end, our marriage will end too. The deal I'd done with Mr. Rathod and he was onboard with this decision of mine.

I'd promised mom, I was somewhere confident of making this relation once Mr. Rathod sees past the erroneous suppositions he has about me. I'd assumed that his heart was at the right place but I'd been wrong on all counts. I cannot be with a man who cannot respect me.

I chuckled mockingly at my own fate. I will be the first bride in the history who had filed a divorce application before her marriage.

"Aunty, everyone from the groom's family have arrived. They are calling you." Sarah informed coming inside my room, ignoring to even look at me.

"Okay. I'll send Ani to bring her at the venue. You stay with her." Mom went down to attend the guests. Only few important people were invited as the wedding has to be kept a private affair, away from the media.

Both the families were staying at two different sections of the Rathod beach house to carry out their respective functions however Ani was swinging in between the two sides as he was apparently getting bored in between the ladies. I didn't get to see Sagar except in the functions and I was glad about it.

"I know I can never understand what you're going through. I feel so helpless. If it was in my power, I'd have first smashed that cruel Sagar's face and the second number would have been of that devil fiance of yours! How dare he do that to you? You should've disclosed his evil side to everyone, Adi." Sarah was bubbling with anger as I didn't let her pour it down on Mr. Rathod.

She had been cursing and fuming from the time she found out about the prenuptial agreement, the next day we arrived at the beach house for the wedding. She was ready to pounce upon him with her claws and it was one hell of a task to control her.

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