23. Array of Discords.

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After the heavy rainfall last night, the breezy and sunny morning was a welcome surprise. Since I was up way earlier than my regular time, I decided to head for a walk.

"Good morning, Aditya." Entering the gym room that was near the pool area, all glass walls and brightly illuminated, I greeted him cheerfully. I was happy for no reason, looking forward to the day and I felt such positive energy after quite a long gap.

Sitting on a plank, facing me, he retreated his arms down from the lateral raise, lifting off the weight and nodded at my way. His biceps stretching and sweat rolling from his chin made me gulp. I tuck my non existent hair strand and look away sighing loudly.

"Morning." His face was dull and he sounded low. He stood up and rubbed the towel around his neck.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, finding him unusually exhausted. I've never seen him this way, even at the end of the day, he's always energetic.

"I don't remember feeling so worn out before. I just didn't want to get out of the bed today." He chuntered languidly and continued sitting on another spare bench, "I couldn't complete one set. Everything feels hollow inside." His eyes were distraught as he spoke distractedly.

Incontrovertibly, regularly high nicotine levels in his blood masked his fatigue and now he's facing trouble when the levels are dropping. There was considerable tremble in his arms. I didn't know what to say so I silently offered the drink I'd in my hand. He looked up quizzically.


He cringed, looking away. Seems like he's familiar with the taste.

"Can't we just keep it limited to medicines?"

"I'll have to call Gauhar to get the answer of your question. Do you recommend calling her at this hour?" It was just six in the morning. His frown deepened and he snatched the glass from me and took a sip.

"I hate her. It's so bitter." He gagged and coughed.

"Whiskey tastes sweet?" I questioned innocently earning a scowl from him but he guzzled the whole drink down his throat.

"Not bad!" I said, totally impressed and passed him the honey I brought along. He grabbed it eagerly and gladly. "Next drink after twelve hours." I told him.

"Thanks Adira, but you don't have to wake up early everyday for this. I've the reminder set up." He was convincingly assuring but rule number one was not to trust him with this whole process.

"I'm trying to change my routine anyway and I don't trust you to follow the medicine chart so I cannot take chances." I reasoned with a tight lipped smile and he nodded in understanding as he looked away.

"Dedicated as always. Suit yourself." He mumbled indignantly walking past me and out of the gym.

"Join me for a walk." I offered stepping in to follow him.

"I think I'll pass." With his back facing me, I heard displeasure in his tone as he strode briskly away from me.

"I wasn't asking. Besides you hardly did any exercise there." Way laying him, I stated with my arms crossed against my front and watched him sigh followed by his reluctant nod.

"You are very stubborn." His grumble made me smile and I smirked, "I'll take that as a compliment."

"It was a compliment." Rolling his eyes, he murmured nonchalantly making me smile wider.

"Get changed. I'm waiting outside." I said and turned my heels to go out but his voice stopped me.

"Adira." I looked back and found him staring at me with an unusual and inexplicable look in his eyes. I raised my brow in question but there wasn't any response.

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