22. Cigarettes and Hot Chocolate.

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I walked out of the closet, drying my damp hair with the towel, before putting it aside on the stand. The noisy pitter patter of the rain disturbed the turbulent silence of the room and I sighed at his absence. It’s raining and that man is still out. Why, Krishna ji? Why do I have to think about him? He says mean words to me, is completely ungrateful and I again wish to go and check on him.

Trammelling my stupid urge, I blow-dried my hair and took my medicine. The water in the swimming pool was freezing cold and it can worsen my asthma. In such a bad weather and chilled water, Aditya wanted to swim. My thought lingered back to him and my doubt on his intellect deepened. I sighed again and shook my head.

Enough of wandering around, Adira. Focus on your work. I settled down on my side of the bed with my laptop.

The clock struck midnight. I looked at the door and there was no sound of footsteps. Fifteen minutes passed and my gaze constantly moved back and forth from the screen to the door. I was not able to concentrate. Before I could put aside my laptop and run out to find him, there was a knock on the door. It’s him! Generally, he knocks before entering the room if he’s aware of my presence inside. There are numerous reasons I dislike him and then there are his many small habits that I cannot help but appreciate. He respects my privacy.

“Adira, it’s me.” His calm voice followed by the click sound as the door opened, broke my reverie and composing myself, I fixed my stare on the screen as he stepped inside.

From the periphery of my vision, I saw him padding towards me quietly. He cleared his throat standing on my head while my eyes were trained on the screen and I didn’t look up.

Ignore him! My subconscious shot an order, tapping her foot on the floor with a disapproving look. She’s mad at him too. Good!

His hand holding a coffee mug came into my line of vision and the aroma of chocolate hit my nostrils. Drawing my eyebrows in a frown, my eyes wandered up his face and his sincere orbs stared back at me.

“Hot chocolate.” He murmured, gesturing me to take it.

“I don’t need it.” I declined, scooting away and concentrating back on my work. I heard him sigh loudly. Annoyed? I don’t care.

“I will not swear at you, again.” He mouthed and I stared at him, squarely. “I shouldn’t have swore at you.” He corrected himself quickly.

“You mean it?” I asked, unsure. He simply nodded proffering the cup in my direction again.

“You shouldn’t have pulled me into the pool either.” I tutted, taking the cup. He tugged at his lower lip, hesitation surrounding his eyes to speak something. I gave him time and sipped on the hot drink silently. It soothed my throat. He sipped on his own, moving around the bed and settling on his side. He has changed into a black vest and camouflage shorts.

“You shouldn’t have involved daarji. My grandparents are off limits, Adira. I know you share a good bond with them but they will always be off limits in certain matters and mainly all matters that include me.” He explained his reason and my eyes shot at him in disbelief. Why does he wants to exclude every person out of his life?

“You should have apologised at the first place. I gave you enough time and you don't expect me to ignore your way of speaking to me everytime, do you?.” I retorted.

“You were poking at me unnecessarily and it was irksome.” He still had reasons to grumble. I cannot believe him. 

“When you are not annoyed? And that’s called being concerned. You see the weather and time. You were swimming in the pool, with the heating system switched off. Did you fall on your head in your childhood?” I was sure he did fall ensuing up with screwed wiring in his brain.

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