16. The Cover Blown Out.

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Adira's focus was fixed over the vast greenery that surrounded the humongous Rathod Villa. The view was picturesquely appealing but it didn't attract her anymore. She couldn't see any light around when her whole life was gradually succumbing into darkness.

The brother whom she loved like her own child, for whom she was ready to do anything - even selling her own self-respect, doesn't have much time left to live with them. Each day death is pulling him closer, snatching him away from all his loved ones and she cannot do anything. The helplessness was besetting her but she was clueless how to react.

Should she cry over her fate, for how cruel the destiny played with her? But will her tears change the Almighty's verdict which feels like a retribution or wipe away her dark fate sealed with pain.

She wants to console her disconsolate mother who wasn't ready to blink her eyes away from her son as he slept peacefully under the effects of the medicine, that are no longer working but Adira couldn't see herself doing so. Her lively Ani wasn't cheerful anymore.

The bloodcurdling news the doctors disclosed still echoes in her mind, not letting her close her tired eyes for a second. It has been two days since that dreadful disclosure and her shattered heart breaks a little more everytime, when she sees her brother's pale face and eyes shut, oblivion to the surroundings.

She finds herself incapable to handle everyone, to handle herself. For once she doesn't want to be the stronger one, just needs a shoulder to lean on, to make her believe that everything will be just fine.

"This bleeding has reversed all the recovery that he had in these months of his treatment. He is a fighter but his body is giving up. We need a marrow transplant urgently." Dr. Gupta revealed soberly with anguish lining his features. The news surely wasn't the happy one.

"Doctor we have already enrolled for the transplant. So is there any donor?" Aparna asked urgently, feeling a knife being twisted deep inside her heart. Krishna Maheshwari kept staring at them blankly. After her son left, she wasn't strong enough to witness her grandson leaving this world.

"We have already escalated the process but there is no profile yet that matches Aniket's marrow sample and the time it will take is indefinite and that's what he doesn't have~ time."

Adira digged her nails in Aditya's arms as she registered the news. The doctor's words were burning the last thread of hope she was holding. This wasn't she had ever expected.

Aditya looked up at her face as her nails were tearing his flesh but the vanquished expressions and her blanched face didn't allow him to hiss even. Her pain was distressing to the level he didn't want anyone to feel it.

He had been there when he couldn't even imagine the life without the people he lost, but that supreme power had always been cruel to him, snatching every precious being that were the centre of his small world but he is used to it now. He doesn't wish Adira to have that fate. The girl who even chants her 'Krishna ji's' name while sleeping- how can God be so cruel to her? He wondered.

"Doesn't have much time? Why don't you start the medicines again? I'm sure he will show progress." Adira voiced out, her words cracked at the end but she held herself. As always she doesn't have any choice either.

"Adira the tumour load has increased and we have already started the medicines but I don't want y'all to keep your hopes high."

"Have you contacted all the centres where these samples are tested?"

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