11. Angel or Devil?

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"So this is the site you find perfect for the resort." Mr. Rathod asked removing the Ray Bans as he surveyed the area.

"Yeah the greenery around is a perfect view and spending your family time amidst nature is the best therapy in this busy world. And you see those meadows, we can have the entrance from there. It will look spectacular. What do you think?"

I just loved this view so I couldn't help but explain him everything nicely with a certain kind of excitement I never felt before, around him. But deep down I liked when he praised me. Maybe he'll approve this land too.

I looked back at him hopefully while he was simply staring at me. ‘You've to see the meadows, not me.’ Though I wished to remind him but kept mum and tucked my disturbing strands behind my ear which were swaying due to the cool wind.

"Hmm...yeah I mean the idea of entrance from there is nice and this land too. Have you checked over other lands?" He cleared his throat and again put on his Ray Bans. Why does he have to hide his eyes? They are beautiful.

"I'd personally visited the sites having good locations but this place is perfect, according to me. If you want we can go and see them again." He simply nodded and walked towards his car while I followed him. I was grateful for his slow pace. My foot still hurts and I swear not to wear those heels anytime soon.

"It's your project, take the lead." His answer snapped me out from 'cursing-my-heels' session.

"Mr. Rathod, it's our project. Your opinion is as much important as mine." Then I don't want to be blamed later on.

"Ms. Maheshwari I know where I've to give my opinion. I'm not good in designing and this map view. Making sure that other things like investment and profits run as smoothly as the construction is my job. So you're free to do things here, as per your will. Just mail the basic structure once it's ready because I know what will give us more profits." There was trace of arrogance in his voice but I didn't mind it this time. I got to work on this project on my own and he surely knows about the market better than me, so I can let it slide.

"Thank you Mr. Rathod for trusting me enough for this project. If not your encouragement then my indecisiveness and cowardice would've cost me a big time yesterday." I felt the need to atleast thank him once for what he's done for me, for us, unknowingly.

"Cowardice is not the correct word here Ms. Maheshwari. You are surely not a coward but courageous enough to stand and give the presentation even being injured. That says a lot about you. And that's the only reason you're standing here. Indecisiveness, yes for sure and inexperienced too. Don't worry, you will learn with time and exposure. If you really want to do something valuable in future I would suggest only one thing. Do what you feel is correct, not what others want you to do. Set your priorities rightly. That's all I can say. Congratulations and all the best for your first project.”

He sat in his car after his monologue, the longest I've heard him say, leaving me dumbstruck but not before glancing at my feet.

There are no heels. I guess he hates them as much as I do.


"Wow cake!!" Ani exclaimed in delight and snatched the plate from my hand making me giggle at his cuteness. I kept aside her art book while he simply gobbled the whole slice. I enjoy baking whenever I’m happy and today I’m thrilled.

"It's so yummy and moist. You've made it after so long. Do you have more?" He asked me cutely looking around as he is never done with a single slice.

"You want more?" I asked raising my brow and he pouted stating the obvious.

"Gimme a kiss and I let you...have a ...slice." He pecked both my cheeks before I could even say and snatched the other plate too. It had two slices.

"Ohoo...so desperate for this cake ha?" I said poking his cheek while he shifted a little far so that I cannot disturb his eating session.

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