25. War of Words.

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"Adira I was coming to you." Mom smiled at me coming out of Ani's room.

"Are you okay? You face is red and warm." She checked my temperature with worry lines on her face and I was reminded of the ki... I don't want to think about it.

"I am perfectly fine mom, just going to pack Ani's luggage."

"I did that. He's grumpy. Did you two fight?" She asked raising her brows.

"Nothing serious. He didn't get his cake." I chuckled at her 'phew' expressions.

"You two won't change." She said shaking her head.

"You won't like if we do!" I said pulling her cheeks and she swatted my hands away.

"Okay take these files. I've made a rough outline of the designs and we have to go to the construction site tomorrow." The resort work has begun after Aditya approved of the refurbished designs mom had sent, in a go. I nodded at her smiling self. There was a different kind of spark in my mother's eyes when she discussed work. She definitely enjoyed and missed doing what she loved the most. I was happy that she got this opportunity again.

I entered my brother's room to see him lying on the bed and tossing the Rubik's cube in his hands. The consoles were lying by his side but he was least interested to play the video game or maybe he didn't want to play alone. "Hey let's play." I said sitting by his side but he just turned away.

"Shall I call Aditya to play with you?" I tapped his shoulder and he glared at me.

"Hey what did I do?" I was surprised with my brother's behaviour. I supposed he was mad at Aditya only.

"You didn't say anything to him when he was being mean to you. Why? Does he always talk to you like this? I thought he's nice with you." He muttered the last line sadly, as if his dream was broken. I smiled at his complaints. My baby brother being all protective of me.

"Ani, look at me." I made him sit straight and held his hands.

"Do you always find me and Sarah talking to each other in the same tone, happily and sweetly?" He shook his head.

"Exactly. The thing is, we had an argument before you witnessed him talking to me rudely. Even I talked to him badly. So he was in the same mood and taunted me about that." I clarified the whole matter in simple words.

"About what?" He asked curiously.

"You don't need to know that." I said sternly.

"Yeah yeah husband wife conversation." He said with a bad face.

"That is why I was confused. Jeeju is so sweet. I'm sure you started the fight." He said confidently and I mentally rolled my eyes at his 'jeeju is sweet' huh! Chamcha!

"You really don't know how your jeeju is. Anyways who is wrong or right shouldn't matter to you. It's between me and Aditya and we'll sort it out our way, okay? You shouldn't meddle in between and take any sides, right?"

He bobbed his head in understanding. "I love him okay and he's family but I couldn't stop myself when he was being disrespectful. You're my sister and you connect me to him. He's very dear to me di, but you'll always come before him for me."

"I understand Ani but you should also know that when you don't know both sides of the story, it's not wise to draw conclusions, isn't it? And I loved that my baby brother cares about me so much."

I kissed his cheek and he made an 'eww' face rubbing his cheek. Aana ab cake k liye!

"I hurt him, didn't I?"

I nodded. Yes, Aditya is hurt and I don't know if I should be glad or worried that Aditya's actions and reactions affect Ani a little too much and so is the case with Aditya. I sighed and frowned when my gaze fell on a shadow near the door. I went to check but there was no sign of any human. I must be mistaken.

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