15. Inescapable Affairs.

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Aditya stares unblinkingly at the pale face of his wife sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed. All  because of his urge to smoke. He didn't know that she was an asthma patient and would be standing near to him breathing the same air, he was polluting.

He skirts his palm over his face and sits straight contemplating what to do next. The attending doctor had permitted him to take Adira home as her vitals are strong and would wake up till morning but what about their whole family hovering in the hospital corridors for various reasons.

The knocked down frame of Aniket flashed forward with his nose bleeding profusely. He shudders at the appalling memory. He wanted to hold him but he just couldn't. The helplessness is consuming him and the sight of  Adira's trembling body with breathlessness is drowning him in penitence. These emotions are raw but not new. He's confused, angry and a lot more is going inside him which is beyond his comprehension.

Adira's Pov.

A loud sound of a gunshot and a scream was heard, silencing the laughter, happiness and the vibrant music playing, augmenting the grandeur of our reception party.

Following the crowd we all ran towards the source of that deafening gunshot. My blood ran cold as I stared at the lifeless figure of my brother.

Mom turned him around and I felt a chill running down my spine making me numb. Rudra checked him for any injury on his body and thankfully there were none. But his nose was bleeding and his breathings were shallow.


"Ani!!" My body jolted upwards as I sat straight on the bed. My breathing was ragged and I roamed my eyes to register my surroundings. This is Mr. Rathod's room. What am I doing here? Ani! How is he??

I clamber down the bed pulling off the duvet that covered me. My head reels and I feel lightheaded.

"Adira!" I heard Mr. Rathod and soon his hands held me. "Who told you to stand?" He chided making me sit back on the bed.

"I need to go to the hospital. How is my brother and why have you brought me here?" I bombarded him with all my queries and he just sighed.

"I will tell everything. First you relax, okay?" His voice was the softest I've heard.

"How can I relax here? You weren't there when Dr. Gupta informed us about his critical condition. You don't know anything..." I tried explaining him as he wasn't there when Ani was taken to the hospital.

He was nowhere to be seen.

"I know everything. We all do, now." He cuts me off with a sigh and continues, "Adira, his condition is better and he will be fine soon. Okay?"

"You aren't lying right?" I asked dubiously.

"I'm not. Trust me he is better and soon he will be conscious enough to meet us." Miraculously he was all calm and composed, pacifying me like a little child.

"And if you'll panic like this then you won't be able to meet him." He added firmly, escalating my fright.

"Why?" I asked in an urgent tone.

"You will go like this? Have you seen your condition? The doctor has strictly advised you to not take any kind of stress as it may flare up your asthma."

Is he concerned? I think I'm hallucinating everything.

I simply look down at myself still dressed up in the same saree I wore for the reception party. Rubbing my face I stared back at him.

"Ookay... I'll change and then we will leave." I agreed and he stood up, still denying.

"But why? Mr. Rathod, this is not the time to play your sick games. What do you exactly want?" I exploded, for I have had enough of his drama.

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