13. Reposition of Emotions.

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I was in my room getting ready for the lunch. It had to be a small affair. Aniket's health doesn't allow him to move around much. He's already tiring himself and none of us are able to deny him to these joys of life.

Alongside lunch, I was looking forward to meet Mr. Rathod. He hadn't reverted to my calls but I need to know the reason behind the rejection.

There was a knock on the door and a butler entered with a bouquet of New Vogue roses and left keeping it on the coffee table. I touched the soft white roses. They looked lovely with pink bordering the petals. A white card attached to it got my attention. There was a message printed in golden italic font.

Happy birthday Adira! I apologise for my absence. I won't be able to join for lunch. Can I make it up to you by taking you out for dinner? Tonight 8pm?


He's asking me out for a date? I palmed my mouth to stop myself from screaming. I'm definitely dreaming! I pinched myself and hissed. This is true. The man who hates my presence even in the crowd wants to be alone with me. Is the world ending Krishna ji?

I called him and it directly went into his voice mail. How do I tell him my answer? Is this his idea of playing a prank on me? He could've taken my calls. What should I do? I cannot discuss it with anyone. They won't understand the reason behind my hesitation. What if he troubles me the way he'd done during our shopping spree? Oh, his shopping spree and my plight!

"Here you are, my darling daughter. Oh, the flowers are lovely! Did your fiance send this to you, as a token of apology for rejecting your design?" Sagar stood at the threshold with a sly grin, fully updated about the project.

I rolled my eyes, not finding him worthy enough to grace him with an answer. He was here to rub his defeat over my sore point but I won't let him have any gratification.

"That's really sad Adira. Aditya shouldn't have done like that. You are going to be his wife afterall." He was the only one who could show sympathy in a taunting manner. But I don't have time to waste with this person. I need to meet Mr. Rathod. I can go for this dinner and get my answers.

Brushing my long hair for one last time, I checked myself in the mirror, ignoring him completely. 

He stopped me in my way as I was leaving without acknowledging his annoying presence

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He stopped me in my way as I was leaving without acknowledging his annoying presence. "What happened to that Adira who was flying in air few days back? You started assuming yourself the queen but this is your reality."

"I wasn't assuming anything and getting rejected doesn't mean I cannot work harder. There must be some issue and I'll sort it out. So please get out of my way." I stated sternly but he didn't move even an inch. I will sort out everything and I know Mr. Rathod would definitely have his own reasons to do this. In anyway I am not letting Sagar brainwash me and get in my way. He has been doing that since years and this is my time to show him his actual place.

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