21. Stepping back.

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Adira’s Pov

“Don’t you think, the risk is too high.” Mom spoke in a hushed tone, standing with her arms crossed and shoulders taut, staring at Aditya.

What are they talking about?

“I don’t think we will get a better chance and it’s about time. Now or never.” Aditya pressed, while mom acceded, deep in thoughts.

“Alright! I’ll do it.” She reassured with a polite smile and he smiled back at her.

“What risk?” I interrupted their conversation and frowned as they reacted weirdly. They were startled and appeared pale.

“Can I know what you guys are discussing so seriously?” I asked further, stepping inside mom’s room in Rathod Villa.

Aditya simply looked at mom in response and I was sure, something was cooking between them that I should know.

“Designs, we are talking about the designs of the hotel project. I wanted some changes so I was asking for suggestions and he agreed. That’s it.” Mom explained, acting casual.

“Then what’s the risk in that?” I was sure that I’d seen her tensed about something.

“You! Your violent reactions is what she is scared of, as you might not agree with the changes in the designs.” Aditya added and mom conceded.

“Excuse me! My violent reactions?” I charged, fuming at his reasons and was angrier at mom for concurring to his lamest possible excuse to distract me.

“Ofcourse! Have you seen your face at this moment, ready to claw and charge anyone. Am I wrong Mrs. Ahuja? You won’t believe but she has already threatened me to scratch my face with her paws.” Aditya disclosed innocently and I bet that I hadn’t seen a man as innocent as this monster. Note the sarcasm.

“Adi relax! I’ll definitely show you the changes before adding them.” She assured me with a tease, withholding a smile that was ready to break on her lips.

“Mom! You don’t need to. Anyways I came to call you guys for dinner. Everyone is waiting.”

I drop the topic, knowing very well that all they did was diverting my attention and I don’t feel good about it. I want to know if there’s any problem mom is facing.

Why is everyone doing things behind my back?

I respect and appreciate my grandmother’s concern for me, when she decided to fix my marriage in a good family, but all it would have taken her to inform us, secretly even, if she knew Sagar was a threat. I wouldn’t have gone through all the pain and humiliation. They hid it from Aditya as well, for reasons better known to his grandparents. And today, I found mom lying to me. Why? I already feel so hopeless in Aditya’s case. Why others are hell bent on increasing the list?

I sighed at the thought and sat next to Ani who was silently eating his spice less food. He smiled at me, without any complains or sulking. He has become my big and mature baby now! I feel sad about it.

Aditya was the last one to join us with an apologetic smile directed at daarji who didn’t say anything. He sat next to me and I observed him filling his plate that had two chapatis, mixed-veg along with dal, pulao and salad. Butlers never indulged at the dinner table unless guests were present. Gauhar had mentioned to check whether his appetite gradually increases, one of the withdrawal symptoms that he should experience. I’ll have to take a note of his next meal.

“Purushottam ji, I had a request. Since Ani is doing fine, me and Aparna have decided to move back to Singhaniya Mansion.” Dadima stated and a sad silence slithered over the dining table.

“But why dadima? What is the problem in staying here?” I questioned, disturbing the silence. Ani seemed sad about it and it was after a painful period he was smiling and eating well. Moreover, I want them to stay with me, atleast till the time he gets cured which I hope he’d be soon.

“It’s been many days we are staying here, Adi. It’s getting difficult to manage work from here as I’m habitual with working from our house. So I guess we should move back now.” Mom explained and I’d nothing to say.

“But you can’t stop us from spending time with our Ani.” Dadijaan announced and a smile beamed at Ani’s face.

“That’s not even a thing to say.” Mom replied easing up a little and the conversations followed. I felt sad as I didn’t want them to leave and I wish I had a say in this matter.


I stepped inside my room, making sure Ani had his medicines before sleeping. He will go back to Singhaniya mansion day after tomorrow.

My cell phone blared with a reminder that I’ve to work on the designs. I sighed tiredly. I still had to rummage through Aditya’s belongings to remove all his hidden stock of those deadly cigarettes. That’s the priority for now but I cannot do it in his absence. Ugh! I feel so sad and egregious about his smoking. He is intentionally and knowingly ruining his health. And that reminds me, where has he been after dinner? Shit! I should have kept a check on him. Krishna ji! Will I have to shadow him all the time? Please keep him away from those toxic things.

Agitated, I dialed his number and heard the sound of his cell phone’s ringtone from the balcony. Sliding open the French doors that open to the balcony, I didn’t find any traces of him but his cell phone was lying on the coffee table. I exhaled a heavy breath exhaustedly and my gaze wavered around the area downside before stopping at a figure coursing under the blue water of the indoor pool and then emerging like some hot Asian model, ready for a photoshoot.

My mouth went dry as he raked his long fingers through his thick black locks pushing them behind, and the fortunate droplets shining like silver under the bulbs lighting around the pool area, over his fair complexion, slithered down his bare neck and broad shoulders before coalescing their existence into the pool.

Those droplets....and my trance broke with a splashing sound as he nosedived back into the pool. I heaved a lungful of air and hastened back into the room. I shouldn’t be having a stirring envision of him. It’s his fault. Nobody should be this good looking.

“Why, are you tantalized by your own husband?” My subconscious quipped, raising her beige coloured beach hat with a title ‘I-am-cute’ scribbled on it, as she bathes in the sun, lying on a beach, in a swimsuit. Swimsuit! I scream mentally and she gives me a nasty look to shut up. She’s always been on Aditya’s side. Ugh!

Fine! I find him attractive, very charming with an impressive jaw line and toned abs as he regularly works out and I often find myself lost in those gorgeous blue orbs ; but, on the flip side – that man is unreasonably arrogant, mean, rude, boisterous and a disrespectful monkey.

Yeah, his ears are pink like monkeys.

So Adira, snap out of your bubble and get him back here, so that you can get your hands over his stock and do the part of your job. He’s helping me for Ani’s treatment, I’ve to return the favour. Yes, that’s the only kind of relationship we can share.

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