8. Shaken and Taken.

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Day of Engagement

Sarah barged into my room unannounced, as usual while I sat on the cushioned chair of my dressing.

"Oye hoye, what a glow!!!" She exclaimed with her mouth agape and eyes bigger than that devil's ego. I rolled my eyes in exasperation hearing the word 'glow' and gazed at the hazel brown eyes lined with winged eye-liner, curled up black-haired girl with chubby cheeks tinted rose staring back at me.

"I'm telling you today you'll be under the spotlight. You look so mesmerizing." Sarah said eyeing me from top to bottom but truth to be told I felt no joy hearing all this.

Had the circumstances been different I would've been happy. I wanted to be happy. But right now what I felt was anything but happiness. Anxiety, embarrassment and guilt is what I was swamped with. I feel guilty and ashamed of myself. How could I speak like that?

Yesterday was a mess and I couldn't stop my thoughts from wandering to him and our last conversation. I'd hurt him. This is not me. Krishna ji, please help me.

"Beyond measure." A sharp voice came from within me. My inner goddess glaring hard at me.

"Where are you lost madam? Wear these heels we are getting late." Sarah nudged me and I sighed tiredly. Not the heels again.

"Sarah these heels, you don't expect me to walk straight wearing them throughout the engagement and not fall flat on my face , do you?" I questioned ridiculed even with the idea of wearing long pencil 5 inch heeled boots but my best friend didn't budge and seems to be obdurate about it. Tired sigh!

"So now you want to walk with jeeju and get yourself mocked over your height. You know how tall he is. You'll look like a teenager without these heels so just wear them." She dismissed my plea and got busy with the last minute touch-up but she was right.

I don't want to be a laughing stock in my own engagement where every eye will be on us and the people there won't leave a single chance to mock, considering I'm a new face. Hasty judgements will be passed and my appearance will be an addition in my list of embarrassments.


A guard came running and opened the door for me. I climbed down, careful with the train of my white gown embellished with silver work and heels I'd worn and thanked him.

Sarah was beside me instantly, helping me to walk without falling headfirst on the floor and embarrass myself. I somehow deterred myself from gawping at the Rathod Villa decorated so beautifully and lavishly. The décor was a harmonious blend of traditional and modernity.

We moved past the entrance and Mr. Rathod's family was immediately there to greet us. I met everyone and finally Riya took me with her. Ani and Sarah followed.

"You look gorgeous Adira. This dress looks perfect on you, isn't it Sarah?" I smiled politely at her words.

Looking around it appeared the entire Mumbai has been invited to the engagement but the palatial hall of Rathod Villa was more than enough for these many people. As it is just not our engagement, announcement of the collaboration of Singhaniya's and AR Groups over a hotel project will also be done and all the media houses are invited to cover it. It was Mr. Rathod's idea to announce it in media and Sagar accepted it gladly without thinking twice. He said it will be a good step towards re-imaging our company's market reputation.

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