27. Baby steps

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Recap:- Through a topsy turvy course of arguments and confrontations, Aditya revealed a little about his true intentions behind compelling her to sign the prenuptial agreement. Despite hating him for doing so, she found herself empathizing with his reasons and they chose to be friends on a much cleaner slate. But was the slate really clean? To know, read further.


The blood trickled down from Aniket’s lips as he lay in my lap, cold and unresponsive to my continuous pleads to him to wake up. No… he can't leave me like this….

Adira gasped for breath as water was splashed on her face, pushing her into awakening. Jolting upward, she blinked rapidly before darting a bewildered glance at Aditya, standing near her with an empty glass in his hand. His ruffled countenance betrayed the guise of his aloof conduct. 

He was just out of his morning bath when he found Adira, moving and mumbling restlessly on the couch, with sweat pooling on her forehead. Discernibly, she was too deep in her nightmare.

“You were having a bad dream.” He clarified gently and brought a few wipes from the coffee table. 

“Thanks.” she murmured hoarsely, taking the wipes from his hand while he observed her with an overt carefulness.

Shutting her eyes, she dug her head in her hands and thanked her Krishna ji for letting it all be a bad dream only. However, Aniket's pale face haunted her with every laborious breath she endured.

“Are you okay?” he couldn't keep the anxiety out of his voice as he saw her heaving. 

She barely shook her head in response as familiar heaviness spread through her chest. Panic swamped him, nonetheless, maintaining his resolve he rifled her inhaler from the drawers on her side and rushed back to her aid. 

His hurried steps pierced through her fogged state and he helped her in taking a puff from her inhaler, wordlessly clasping her trembling cold hands in his warm ones and crouching on the floor near the couch. 

“Everything's okay Adira. Ani is fine.” He spoke softly, looking into her eyes and nodded confidently when she stared back at him scrupulously, the flames of her fear subsiding.

“Did you check on him?” she croaked dazedly, unconsciously leaning on his shoulder for support. 

“Yeah I did. He was sleeping, you should sleep too.” He assured her patiently, nudging her to lie down. An instant relief flooded inside her. Though she obliged, she couldn't loosen her hold on his reassuring grip and he didn't seem to mind that either. 

In a comforting silence, he sat by her side on the floor and she tried to calm her nerves. She yawned and had to detach her hands to cover her mouth. He stood back on his feet. 

“What's the time?” she asked, wandering her eyes around the room, bathed in dim soft lights. The curtains were drawn too.

“It's near dawn. Sleep, I'll wake you up when he's awake.” 

“Why are you up so early? What are you going to do?” she asked curiously, fighting her urge to shut her eyes and sleep. 

“And here goes her questions.” 

She saw his lips moving but her sleepy brain couldn't register the words. “Answer me!” she questioned which came out like a whine.

Her body begged for sleep but she couldn't give in, not before she knew what he's up to. She prayed that he should not be having plans to smoke. 

“I'm an early riser Adira and today I've a meeting with an international client. So do I have your permission to get ready now?” he asked sardonically, plastering a big fake smile on his sculptured face, that screamed he was getting irritated by her questions. 

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