9. And the GAME Begins.

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Sitting in my new cabin I was a nervous-wreck, fidgeting with the pen drive in my hands. I've to give the presentation regarding the hotel project in front of all the investors. As announced I'm the other owner so Sagar has ordered me to do it on my own, snatching back the file he'd given me before. As if I was going to use it anyway.

Infact he thinks that when Mr. Rathod will see my presentation he'll be ashamed and curse himself for choosing me as his partner and will change his decision instantly.

But I won't let that happen. I'll give my hundred percent and even keep all my ideas infront of everyone. I just hope I don't stutter and spoil the presentation. It is my one time chance to shine.

"Ma'am Mr. Rathod has arrived. CEO sir has asked you to receive him." My new assistant Sonia informed me and my heartbeat spiked up. Gulping down a glass of water I stood straight and took a deep breathe. "You've to do it Adira, Krishna ji please be with me."

My breathe hitched watching him standing in the foyer, dressed modishly in a charcoal black three- piece suit, his hands tucked in his pant pockets. He was looking around the office and every girl present there was goggling at him, including my assistant, as if he's the eighth wonder of the world.

"He is." My subconscious nodded behaving as cool as the cucumber.

Keeping my thoughts aside I walked carefully in his direction trying my best not to fall on him with these black heels that I was forced to wear. Sarah and her styling.

"Get back to work everyone." I snapped loudly at all the employees near the foyer and everybody seemed to follow. Hmm, good!

I turned around and his dazzling blue eyes settled on me, scanning me from top to bottom. I was in brown and cream formals. A look of satisfaction graced his face but before I could understand, the shutters were down and his expressions turned bleak and professional.

"Good Morning Mr. Rathod. Welcome to Singhaniya Industries." Acknowledging me with a simple nod he gestured his assistant to collect the bouquet of white lilies that Sonia proffered in his direction.

"I hope you're ready with the presentation." My nerves resurfaced listening his simple words but I nodded affirmatively.

"Let's head towards the meeting room then." He stated looking at his gold watch in his right hand. It was 9:48am to be precise. The meeting is scheduled at ten .

"Sonia please escort Mr. Rathod to the meeting room. I'll bring my stuff." Smiling at him politely I walked back to my cabin hurriedly but stopped when my alarm went off reminding me about Ani's chemo session scheduled for today and without realising, my foot twisted and I felt a sharp shooting pain in the arch of my right foot.

Shit!! How will I walk and give the presentation. You can't do this to me Krishna ji! I cursed myself for being so clumsy. Mr. Rathod was right, I'm a clumsy and a dumb person, good for nothing.

Limping towards my cabin I pushed the door open and grabbed the nearest chair to sit. Removing the heel I saw redness over the heel area and I was sure it will swell soon. I hissed on keeping my foot on the floor. I can't even stand properly. How will I walk to the meeting room to give the presentation?

After what all happened last night, expecting help from Sagar will be foolish instead he have this on the spot opportunity to evince my carelessness to everyone.

Flashback starts

"Ms. Adira Maheshwari, my fiancé. She is the one who is going to handle this project from Singhaniya Industries and truth be told , it's because of the trust AR Groups have on this young and intelligent lady, my grandfather sealed the deal. Ms. Maheshwari, please come."

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