18. Out of the Shadows.

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"How's Aniket, Aparna?" Sagar asked with a concerned face and Adira mentally rolled her eyes at his acting skills.

"He is much better." Aparna replied in a clipped tone as she didn't need to act polite with him anymore. Everyone sitting here are aware about his true colours, or maybe none of them knew him in real.

Krishna Maheshwari had disclosed the truth behind the alliance to Aparna, a day before the wedding and the latter had been profoundly ecstatic. Her trust on Aditya's upbringing and credibility strengthened. He wasn't the one who would cheat on his wife. It was the only reason she overlooked the gloomy composure of her own daughter during the wedding functions. She hoped things would settle down with time.

"Hello Aditya! Did you get to know anything about the sniper?" Sagar greeted Aditya breaking the silence which he found unusually arctic.

"No. Aniket will give his statement tomorrow and the case will proceed." Aditya replied with his heated gaze fixed on Adira. She averted her eyes knowing how annoyed he was and this is what had made her curious to know what he is hiding more. Where had he disappeared after the gunshot? Does he know about the assassin?

"That's good. I hope police shall catch the person who attacked you." Sagar expressed his sadness but his statement drew Aditya's immediate attention.

"One sec, how do you know that the attack was on me?" Sagar squirmed uncomfortably under Aditya's shifty question and dubious stare.

"It's... it's the headlines of every newspaper. Are the speculations true?" Aditya couldn't weigh upon the reason as his concentration drifted to his worried grandparents.

"Aditya, was that attack planned for you?" Purushottam asked, his eyes were flaming with anger on being kept in dark especially when the matter was related to his grandson. Aditya's simple nod levelled up the tension in the living room.

"Why didn't you tell us? You won't go out now, it's not safe." Bhawna pronounced, stress lining her wrinkled face.

"Dadijaan, I can't stay bound inside these four walls for my whole life and I promise I'll be careful. Besides the security is 24*7." He tried assuring his grandmother, squeezing her hands but was fearlessly interrupted by Adira who could see how considerate he is towards his grandparents' wishes and commands. The obedient grandson disappears once he steps out of the house or in the elder Rathod's absence, transforming into a stubborn man.

"But you still roam around without security. In hospital you were all alone, despite knowing that your life is in danger." Adira pointed out firmly.

"Roy was there with me and I can take care of myself." He retorted with gritted teeth, maddened with her interruption. He knew he was in trouble now.

"Roy has to reach to you because you went all alone leaving me with a bunch of armed men." She was still not done with her answers and he was in deep trouble now.

"Stop it both of you. Aditya, I won't tolerate this negligence next time. Adira's concern isn't wrong. If I get to know you've dodged the security, you'll have it from me." Aditya's lips were shut and his eyes were down, simply nodding at his grandfather's command. Aditya still had to learn how to disobey his grandparents.
Purushottam stood up and walked out of the living room followed by his wife. Roy was in for another grilling session. Purushottam didn't spare anyone when matters concerned his grandson.

"Whoa! I'm touched with your care for your husband, Adira." Sagar mouthed sweetly as the elderly couple were out of their sight.

"Mr. Rathod, I'm going out for some work with mom. Meanwhile can you keep an eye on Ani?". Adira requested Aditya, completely ignoring Sagar's satirical remark just like his presence.

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