5. Disgruntled Decisions.

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Rathod Villa

Rathod's entered their house and saw Aditya's maternal aunt, Adishri Chakraborty Vardhan waiting for them in the living room along with her children, Riya and Rudra.

"Adishri",called Bhawna gaining their attention. Adishri stood up and greeted the old duo touching their feet.

"Adi", squealed Riya in excitement and hugged him as they were seeing each other after more than a week. Smiling at his bubbly sister and best friend, Aditya reciprocated the hug.

Rudra, Riya's elder twin by ten minutes came and patted Aditya's back. Aditya went ahead to touch Adishri's feet but she stopped him and embraced him in her motherly hug.

Aditya hugged her back warmly as she was the only one, he had in his teenager years as a parental figure.

"How is my child?" She asked cupping his face and he nodded, smiling faintly.

"You're becoming more beautiful day by day, Milady." Rudra flirted looking at Bhawna, keeping his hand on his heart and taking a deep sigh.

Bhawna's eyes widened and she hit his head, shying away and making others laugh.

"Rudra!" Hearing the angry lion's voice, Rudra held his ears and they settled on the sofa.

"What happened there, maa? How was the girl?" asked Adishri and the atmosphere became tensed. The slight smile on Aditya's face vanished and he squared his shoulders.

"Yes dadijaan, did you like the girl? We so wanted to come", said Riya expressing her sadness.

"You don't need to be sad dear. We are going to meet them again day after tomorrow." Purushottam said hinting that they have fixed Aditya's marriage.

"That means you liked her?" A big smile adored Riya's face, her eyes beaming in happiness for her cousin.

Adishri and Rudra shifted their gaze at Aditya whose focus was on the glass center table kept in between with his jaw clenched stating his fury.

"I loved her. She is so simple and down to earth. They both looked just made for each other. I have taken some pictures to show you. Here, have a look." Bhawna said cheerfully and showed the pictures she clicked to the trio.

"They look so good together." Adishri said softly admiring the picture.

"Do you like her?" Adishri directed the question to Aditya, caressing his hair who was settled beside her.

"Does it matter?" Aditya asked flatly and a flicker of hope in everybody's heart extinguished. His eyes held disappointment and accusations which he did not attempt to hide. He had enough on his plate, already.

"I think I should call it a day. Good night everyone." Dismissing, he stood up and strode towards the stairs to his room on the first floor. His steps came to a halt, hearing his grandfather's words.

"Your happiness means everything to us, Aditya. That girl will be perfect for you."

Aditya couldn't help but snicker as he turned to face them. "My happiness? My marriage? And you fixed everything by yourself. What I am, five? Do I not hold the right to decide whom I want to marry?" argued Aditya deriding their decision.

"Whom do you want to marry, Adi?" Rudra stood next to him, regarding him with a questioning gaze that made the latter uneasy.

"Let me tell you. The answer is no one. You always find excuses to run away from this topic. So there is nothing wrong in what your grandparents did." Rudra said exasperatedly, his eyes boring Aditya's.

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