3. The Journey Begins.

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"They seem genuine, don't be nervous okay! Let's go." My mother's voice was soft, holding my clammy hands in her warm ones, she provided me the much needed support.

I took a deep breath and nodded. Be strong Adira! Strengthening my hold on mom, I descended the stairs carefully as I was forced to wear high heels because my would be husband is extremely tall and Sagar doesn't want me to look like a kid in front of him.

I hate him and these heels!!

"Aww you look so pretty my love!" An old lady gushed with fondness and kissed my forehead. She looked at me with so much adoration, that I felt cared.

I bent down and touched her feet and she blessed me happily. I touched her husband's feet also and he blessed me with the same love, that reminded me of my maternal grandfather. I smiled at him. They are nice people. Meeting them, I felt my apprehensions levelling down.

Amidst all this, an intense stare pricked my skin, caressing me from head to toe. I could feel myself burning. I immediately lifted my eyes up and saw a young and handsome man sitting there, wearing a dark blue jacket with a white t-shirt and black jeans.

He doesn't look like a tough business man as pictured in the tabloids. Infact with a two days old stubble over his fair complexion and perfectly settled hair, he looked charming and boyish. His ocean blue orbs met mine. Within a second or two, he averted them but I was left awestruck. His eyes are gorgeous.

"Come my child, sit here with me." The old lady said nudging me out of the bewitching trance of my would be husband, that I'd fallen into.

Get a grip, Adira! What will he think about me?!

"I'm Bhawna, he is my husband and he is our grandson, Aditya. We are here to make you his bride." Introducing themselves, she whispered the last line close to my ears with a childlike excitement.

A smile involuntarily spread over my lips seeing the love and proud her eyes held for her grandson. I'm sure she dotes on him.

"Ma'am who doesn't know your grandson. My daughter also takes interest in business, she definitely knows about him." Sagar interrupted us and my smile dimmed. He has never let me interfere in the business after my grandfather's demise, but what else I could expect from him other than a lie.

Mr. Rathod was sitting quietly, without a single effort to look even remotely interested in the conversation going on. Maybe he is already bored and wants to leave? Like come'on why would such a handsome and a rich man want to marry a simple girl like me?

But I caught him stealing glances of me, just the way I was doing. Must be my imagination. My subconscious shook her head in disapproval.

"Mr. Sagar Ahuja, we are not here for a business deal. I would like you all to treat us and Aditya normally, just as any other prospect for your daughter. He is not here as a business man, but just as simple Aditya." His grandfather said in a firm tone, putting a stop to Sagar's obsequious remarks for a while. I smirked inwardly.

"Sure Sir, and inspite of being so renowned, you all are so down to earth. We would be happy if our daughter goes to your house." Mom said with a polite smile. Maybe she also liked them, just the way I did.

"You liked their grandson too?"~ asked my subconscious setting her spectacles properly.

"We should be thankful to you Aparna that we are getting such a nice girl for our grandson." His grandmother said patting my back in acceptance and I came out of my stupid thoughts.

All smiled but Mr. Rathod sat with a straight business- like face. Does he ever smile?

"Of course, she is a darling. I'm sure she will keep all of you happy, right Adira?" Sagar said looking at me with a fake smile.

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