17. Puzzled Propensities

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"Does your brother thinks he owns this world or has he considered us to be trifling to do what he wants and nobody will question his actions?" Rudra sighed in frustration as Sarah barged inside his cabin, seething in fury.

It wasn't the first time. She was irritating him since they started working together in the wedding preparations and he couldn't find ways to avoid her, out of his damn courtesy.

Now what did Aditya do? He wondered, finding Sarah driven up the wall. Aditya could provoke anyone into vexation sitting at the far end in his own comfort zone and a worked up Sarah was a breathing proof of his cousin's immense talent. Rudra mused sarcastically.

"What happened?" He asked calmly and ignored the way Sarah rolled her eyes at his question. He was ignoring a lot of things.

"As if you don't know."

"Sarah either spill the beans or let me work in peace." Rudra replied in a bored tone concentrating back on his important file. He had hardly got time to come to office being involved in helping Aditya and Adira in enrolling at the bone marrow banks and also giving their samples for testing but the matter isn't as easy as it was thought by them to be.

"This! Why is Aditya paying for the hospital bills and the medicines? Adira never asked him to do so." She slammed the sheet on the desk flaming his anger.

"So how does it concern you? If Aditya is paying for his brother-in-law's treatment then it's their matter not ours." He stated controlling his palpable fury at the way she was behaving with him. He had been lenient towards her because she is Adira's friend and now Ria's too but she was crossing the limits.

"Really? So that later on, he gets the opportunity to tag my friend as some gold-digger who is interested in his larger than life wealth. No, Rudra sir, I won't let him do that. Adira had given me the check for the payment and I was going to settle the rest of the bill and this is what Aparna aunty thinks. So just tell him to back off and do not try to become our messiah." She vented out all the frustration she had for Aditya on Rudra without realising that he is her boss.

"Gold-digger? Why would he say that to her? Besides Adira is the right person with whom you should discuss about it." He asked clueless to what she was saying.

"Because your best friend doesn't leave any opportunity to degrade her (Adira's) self-respect and to break her beyond repair time and again. I will tell her about it, but you, you tell your best friend to not hurt her more than she already is. And I even doubt if he is responsible for Ani's condition. God knows what happened there and led us to this stage."

Rudra eyes shot up in anger as she kept on ranting about Aditya but the blame she tried putting on his friend broke the dam of his self-control. Sarah was well versed in how to push all the wrong buttons.

"Shut the hell up, Sarah!! I've had enough of your nonsensical theories but now you are going too far. Your accusations are outrageous and baseless and mind you, you have no right to blame someone when you don't know the complete picture. Keep your assumptions to yourself. My best friend can never harm anyone, even in his dreams."

Rudra stood up, maddened as he defended Aditya vehemently. Sarah gulped and took a step back in fear. She was visibly shocked with the sudden enraged outburst of her otherwise calm and collected boss. Gathering her shaken self, she justified the reason behind her blames.

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