2. Adira Maheshwari.

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Singhaniya Mansion

Chewing over my lips in perturbation, I tip-toed towards the living room to escape out of the house and skip every probable meet with my stepdad, Sagar Ahuja and my mom, Aparna Ahuja. My mother cares for me to death and learning about my situation has left her infuriated and devastated, for she is as helpless as me. It was about her son and my baby brother, Aniket.

My reckless and daring deed from yesterday night must have reached to their ears and rightfully so, their reactions would be something I do not want to start my day with. I've been looking for a chance to visit 'Singhaniya Industries', my late maternal grandfather, Raghuvendra Singhaniya's company and hopefully contact the few board members, for my joining. Sagar wouldn't let me do that without their support. I cannot sit at home, helpless and useless.

But as Lord Krishna decided to have no mercy upon me, I witnessed both of them arguing over a topic which was none other than my marriage.

"I agreed to your resort of marrying my daughter with a man of your choice but that doesn't give you the right to send her to meet random boys in a bar. I'm not selling my daughter Sagar, do you get that?" Mom's sharp voice boomed in the hall. I did not expect any different.

Sagar rolled his eyes hearing her last line. "Oh come'on Aparna, nothing happened! Infact she bloody slapped him and Singhaniya Industries had to pay for her misdeed by losing the deal. Bloody useless girl! Doesn't even know how to make a man happy. Like mother, like daughter."

I gasped, drawing their unwanted attention. As shameless a man could be, he didn't back out from pouring out his inner resentments through his indecent comments. It wasn't new but it hurts everytime to hear it coming from a man who was once a father figure to me. His betrayal has scarred us for life.

"Shut the hell up Sagar! You are crossing your limits. How dare you say such remarks about Adira? Don't forget she is like your daughter." Mom argued, fighting the lost battle and stood between me and him, protecting me from this evil man. I wish she would have been successful.

A slow, dark smile graced his lips as he said, "Daughter my foot! She is Ashok's blood, your traitor husband who has left you all as a burden over me. Useless piece of shit."

Curling my fingers in a fist as rage build inside me, my eyes shot up in anger. He was talking about my father; a man who is my first love, my idol; a man I'd lost to death.

"Don't take my father's name from your filthy mouth Mr. Sagar Ahuja. Don't you dare!!" I roared and all my fears seem to disappear.

"Oh my god! I am scared now. Please forgive me, Adira." Feigning to be scared, Sagar joined his hands. I looked away, aware of my so called step-dad's act.

Taking the opportunity, he abruptly fisted my hair in his tight grip, pulling me towards himself. I shrieked in pain and mom struggled to get me out of his hold that was tightening with every passing second.

"Kitten has got a mouth too. But I know how to shut it. Do you want me to do that? Your ailing brother will have to pay the price of your ill-mannered mouth."

He threatened with gritted teeth and my blood ran cold. My pain wasn't more than my brother's struggle and my fear of losing him. He was fighting a battle of life and death and we needed money for the treatment of his deadly disease, leukaemia. I pressed my lips in a thin line, smothering my sobs and pleaded him to not stop the medicines.

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