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Morning runs with my Guk has always been a pleasure, refreshing my soul with the cool morning breeze, rejuvenating me and making me feel energised for a new day, and it was also our special thing as a couple of 14 months. But since two weeks ago, I am always getting exhausted ten minutes into the run. Just like now. My chest tightened as I couldn't get enough air into my lungs so I halted in my jogs which made Guk stop as well, looking at me with a concerned expression.

"Ho-Hold on." I breathed, using my open palm in the air as a gesture. I bent placing my hands on knee while I began taking long breaths to help me fill my lungs with air it is lacking at the moment. I could feel my eyes turning around, dizziness seeping in so I shut it tight trying to stabilise both my breathing and balance.

"Noona, are you okay?" Guk placed his hands on my lower waist, rubbing my back for me. I nodded my head as I couldn't bring myself to speak while inhaling more oxygen.

"I'm here, just keep taking those long breaths for me." He says close to my ear, still rubbing my back in an upward and downward motion. I nodded to his words again.

Steady breaths intake what was I kept on doing until I felt light in my chest but the tiredness that has settled deep within my bones took over my whole system making me want to slump in Guk's arms. But remembering we were in the public, I didn't want to create a scene, my dislike of strangers attention was still there and I also didn't want to risk anyone finding out about Jungkook's identity even if he's wearing his infamous black bucket hat and face mask.

"Let me give you a piggyback ride to the car Noona, you look so exhausted." Guk tells me as I raise my head to stand up straight. "Thank you." My voice barely came out as a whisper so I cleared my throat and repeated my words. I climbed on his back carefully so I don't mistakenly pull down his face mask.

The walk down to where he parked the car was silent, I know what he must be thinking and I know he was right. I am just the one pushing it and clearly pushing myself past my limit. I'm in my final year studying oncology which will make it eight long years, oncology is a branch of medicine that deals with the study, treatment, diagnosis and prevention of cancer. I am studying to be specifically a Medical Oncologist, it's being the doctor who uses nonsurgical ways to treat cancer. And during the whole of last month, I had to deal with a viral infection, it hit so hard that I missed classes which were very crucial to my studies so I have been staying up late, catching up to classes I missed out on, I also skip meals when I get lost in studying and I think this is the result of all the things I have been doing.

And I knew I was in for another scolding session especially from Jinnie.

I still had a long way in my journey of becoming a Medical Oncologist, I spent four years getting my Bachelor's degree and now I'm on the fourth and final year of furthering in a medical school. I still have another four to six years of being an intern before I can proudly call myself an Oncologist. The journey is rough, exhausting, killing but the end goal is what keeps me striving; saving lives especially of this fearful disease. Cancer.

Guk dropped me once we got to the car, he opened the door for me and helped me settle in, he closed the door and walked around the car. He opened the car door on the driver's side, getting in and strapping his seat belt. He started the car and we drove off. The car was so silent, only the rear of the engine was what we could hear, he didn't put on the radio and honestly I was scared of doing anything because once he's this way, he is a ticking time bomb and I really don't want us fighting on our way back home.

So keeping quiet it is.

This wasn't our first fight, not that I would even consider this situation one but I knew this wasn't going to be the last time we will be having this discussion or getting into another argument. Being in a relationship, it's given to have fights. It's how we handle it from there is what really matters. Each of them have their own unique characters but one thing they shared in common was their love for me. I knew they wouldn't be mad at me if they didn't truly care and love me.

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