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"Oppa, stop being stubborn and give in already." I heard a very strong voice of Hana that I've never heard coming from her, Tae's door was ajar and that made their conversation to be easily eavesdropped on by me.

I mean I had to know why she came to visit my almost ex boyfriend and what this is all about. So eavesdropping it is.

"Hana~" Tae drawls like he is still refusing whatever she has presented to him.

"I'll make you feel really good you would hate masturbating because all you will be thinking is this mouth around you and my pussy clenching on you. Don't you want me to make you feel good and fulfill my fantasy at no cost, no drama?"

The fucking fuck?!

My eyes widened at what my ears were picking on, I was very sure I was hearing right because I had sharp ears, they have never failed me so I knew they weren't deceiving me from hearing what this conniving bitch was saying to another woman's man. In a home they all live.

"Hana~" Why can't he say any other thing than call her name like he really wants it.

Does he?

My heart squeezed painfully at my internal question. Was he going to allow her do what she wants to him? Is he really going to do that to me? Above every other thing they've caused me, will he be adding this to it as well.

My feet moved on their own accord to not just hear but so I can see inside his room and see exactly what is transpiring while still trying to remain unseen.

"You know you want it," I see her smile devilishly to him, rubbing her hand on his chest, he was standing there like a thoughtless person, like an immobilised man, "If you are hesitating because of that wretched dying girl, you don't need to. I know you don't really like her, there's no way a whole Taehyung of BTS would be in love with a girl who isn't fully Korean. She's so ugly, sick, pathetic, unfit for a king like you." The spitefulness in her tone was also evident in the cunning look she has on her face while her fingers were drawing circles on his chest. "She is an abomination to you Tae bear. And I know you don't get enough satisfaction having to share her with your members so why not just take me, I am not asking for anything in return, no strings attached just simply use me, fuck me so hard so I can have sleepless night thinking of your Taeconda." She slurs on her word, the evil smirk on her lips was an evidence that she was loving how speechless she's made Taehyung become.

And he didn't even stop her from sprouting words like that about me. Disgusting words another human should never call another human. Neither did he deny the fact that he didn't truly love me.

"Hana please, this is wrong, stop." He tells her but not in a firm voice. Not in a voice to stop her. Not in a way to make her back away.

"Are you sure this is wrong?" She chuckles, trailing her fingers down until it came in contact with his crotch then grabbed it emitting a low moan from him.

I gasped but very quiet not to interrupt. I wanted to see how this plays out. How he will fully betrays me. And disrespect me.

"Do you know why I come here twice a week?" She began to squeeze him and he closed his eyes, sighing, "Because of you and the others but I notice how you stare at me, how you want me, how you need me, and now that I am here, you want me to stop?" Her other hand began to caress his face and my stomach started to churn at the scene before me.

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