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Chapter 37 - Korea Calls

Ione had kidnapped Prisha to her secret spot in the forest garden. The sun was high and bright, it was a welcomed temperature after all the snowy weather for the past months. Spring was finally here, and the air felt fresh and smelt earthy.

"Your mum sent me a guy's profile yesterday. She said I should convince you to go on a blind date with him." Prisha tells Ione, an amusing smile painting her lips as she knows Ione wouldn't like the idea one bit.

"She is never going to give up." Ione groaned, frustrated, then tilted her head up to look at the branches of the tall trees. They were by the stream, just enjoying the afternoon with some quietness and cold soda.

"Never. So why not indulge her sometimes?" Prisha asked.

"The moment I indulge her, she is going to use that to her advantage. I can't do it." As Ione said those words, her phone rang. She picked it up immediately as she saw it was Remy calling.

"Hey, is everything okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, there's just an urgent matter that just came up. Can you come to my office right away? We need to talk." Remy replied.

"Okay, I'll be there in five minutes." She replied and ended the call.

"What was that?" Prisha queried, "Remy said there's something urgent he has to discuss with me. Are you staying here, or do you want to head back with me?" Ione asked.

"I'm heading back. I'll go take a nap in my room. When you are done with Remy, come find me so I can cuddle with you." Prisha answered, getting on her feet and yawning with her arms stretched above her head.

"You must have been a rabbit in your past life." Ione chuckled as they walked back.

Getting to the front of the main building where Remy's office is, Prisha left for her room and Ione headed to his office.

"So what's up?" Ione asked the moment she stepped into his office.

"Have your seat." Remy said, and Ione sat down on the chair opposite him. "I just got a very important call from South Korea." Remy said, immediately cutting to the chase.

"Is Soft okay?" Ione asked, worry etched on her features as she sat more upright.

"It's not about Soft. I believe she's fine." Remy answered. "It's work related. And it's for you, Ione." He said to her, but feeling a bit hesitant to break the news to her because of her past. He really hopes she agrees.

"Oh, tell me what it is." Ione said, relaxing a bit from the sudden tension that built up in her mind.

"Do you remember Doctor Kwon that attended our last Christmas party?" He asked and Ione nodded, recollecting memories of that joyous day.

"Remember I told you he also had a cancer facility in Seoul?" He asked her. He was trying to reveal the information in a 'baby steps' manner.

"Yes, you did." Ione answered, now filled with curiosity instead of worry.

"He was the one who called me about something we had discussed before. But I didn't think it would be this soon. As you know, new cases of blood cancer keep rising, and as you also know, most of them are always in the worst stages. So, Doctor Kwon requested for our urgent help because the cases are rising at his facility. And he wants us to introduce our methods to Seoul for a start. It's like a partnership." Remy explained, hoping his words don't sound like a ramble.

"Oh, that's good." Ione commented. "But how is this related to me?" She asked.

"The thing is that I can't go. And you are the only one who is almost as capable as me." Remy said, but his heart oddly started pounding as if it was the first time he was setting his eyes on Ione. That moment when he saw past her sickness and almost got drowned in the beauty her eyes held and the warm demeanor her entirety exuded.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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