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From Prisha's point of view, the person who recorded this video was very strategic, it was like the phone or camera was placed between two objects to hide it and there was only a small hollow space in between it, which helped getting a good capture of Hana and an unknown man. One who looked dangerous which didn't surprise her too much.

He didn't look like her type based on the opposite body structures they have, but character-wise, he must be perfect for her.

The sound of the video was also on point, hearing the first few words and seeing what was on her screen, she knew she had to lock her door to avoid her mum seeing whatever this video is about.

After securing her utter privacy, she restarted the video and it began to play.

"Why didn't you pick up my calls? Been calling all the way down here? Wanna get me all mad?" Hana barked at the unknown man who just entered into the room. It was an empty room that only had a bed with white sheets and pillows, and she was sitting on the edge. "And why the fuck did you keep me waiting?" She asked, pouting at the man who had broken into a small smile. One that displayed his authority without words.

"Hana, told you I don't like noise, why do you keep making noise?" He says to her in a calm but deep tone. He sounded cold. Even the fake smile on his face looked cold. This was a bad man. Prisha could tell.

"I'm your fucking lover, you don't call my complaints 'noise'?" Hana challenged back. Still seated, gazing up at the towering figure of her supposed lover.

"Knew it. He's her type." Prisha murmured to herself but her attention not deterred away from the video.

"You're right. They aren't noise. They are disturbance." The man says to her then settles beside her, bringing out something from his chest pocket of his white short sleeve shirt, "But to answer your question," He waved the substance before her eyes making her break into a sick smile that went from ear to ear and her eyes tinkling with joy for whatever the man was holding, "I was handling the new shipments that just arrived. And you know, business always comes first." He answers, smirking at her.

"Drugs?" Prisha whispered.

"Awww Papi, if I knew, I wouldn't have disturbed you and is this for me?" Hana says in what she might consider a sweet seductive tone, licking her lips and gulping down salivas, Prisha could see that by the movement of her throat, "This seems like a new kind, is it, Papi?" She asked, trying not to smile but her excitement was visible.

"What do you think?" The man smirked and handed the substance in a pharmaceutical sachet to her. It was in a blue crystal-like colour.

"Meth?" Prisha gasps inaudibly, remembering that it looked like the one from the movie, Breaking Bad.

"Oh my gosh, Papi, thanks." Hana giggled, bouncing on her ass, already opening the sealed sachet to take the substance.

"Easy," The man placed his hands on hers, stopping her eagerness, "This one is dangerous if taken in large quantity so you will need to smash it and take only tinnie bit. You should take the rest home." He advices.

"Pfft." Prisha reacted, almost laughing out loud but not wanting to lose focus.

"Awww, Papi, you're so sweet." Hana dropped the substance beside and quickly climbed the man's laps, smashing her lips on his immediately.

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