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Namjoon stared out of the open window of their practice room in Hybe, gaping at the colorful sky, taking in the beauty of the artistic way the orange and purple fluffy clouds mixed and decorated the sky, shielding the evening sun that casted a warm light around the busy city, he could hear the distant car honks from the top of the building he was. The atmosphere feels calm, chilly and breezy, the cool breeze whiffing through his hair. Winter was close. So he took his time relishing in that feeling the weather created until he heard his name being called making him turn around to face the source of the voice.

"The food is here, text the others." Yoongi said to him as he started bringing out the food packs out of the white plastic bag that had the logo of the restaurant on it. He was splaying them on the table, piecing each person's order together so everyone can just take a seat around the table with their orders right in front of them.

"Okay bro." Namjoon answered, bringing out his phone to send a message in their group chat. Once he did that, he turned around to capture the beautiful sunset sky with his phone, after taking few snaps, he walked to go settle on one of the chairs surrounding the long table.

They were having dinner at work today.

Not more than three minutes passed, the others shuffled in and took their rightful seats according to the food arrangement.

"Dammit, the soup has gotten warm, wanted it hot." Taehyung complained, opening the food containers.

"Then you should have gone home to cook it instead of ordering it online and expecting it to remain hot." Yoongi shot at him making the younger man pout even more.

They digged into their foods, chit-chatting about how their day went. They had a group practice earlier this morning but after that, each went to do their personal task.

As they kept on eating and mumbling words to each other, Hoseok suddenly remembers a topic he wanted to raise his concern on.

"So what's up with Hana, The nurse girl?" He questioned but his gaze was moving between the three youngest who were looking at him like he asked a foreign question.

"What about her?" Jin mumbled.

"Y'all know she's been trying to flirt with us whenever she comes around especially you three?" He says, but looking directly at Taehyung which made him feel like maybe Hoseok knew something.

His dirty secret. One he regrets happened.

"I see it, Hoba. She's trying too much, shamelessly throwing herself at us." Yoongi commented with slight disgust to his tone.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Taehyung queried Hoseok, feeling his skin burning with regrets and hoping none of his best friends knows about what he did.

"You know why." Hoseok answered with a quirk of his eyebrows.

"Wh-Why?" He stuttered and seeing that everyone was currently looking at him. It made him almost sink into the floor. Did they know something? Is that why they are looking at him like that?

Oh fuck.

"Why?" Jin chuckled in amusement, "You have a low self-control Tae, you might easily give in to her so just be careful around her, okay?"

'Oh, thank fuck. They don't know.' He let out a low sigh, feeling like himself once again not like someone who wanted to crawl under the table seconds ago.

"I don't have a low self-control, what do you mean?" He argued, not wanting to accept or admit that even when he knew they were right.

He already did what he wasn't supposed to do.

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