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"My God, I've never seen someone as delusional and crazy as that fucking bitch." Prisha laughed, clinking her shot glass with Soft's.

"She carried the whole cake on her fried brain." Soft replied, chuckling before downing the whole shot of cognac.

The two friends had come out to a nearby bar to celebrate a little after hours of engaging with delightful posts and comments on social media about the downfall of a psychotic saesang. It was so refreshing to see many positive comments from the true fans and reasonable people on the internet.

"I'm just so relieved it's over. She deserved much worse, she should be thankful we did things the legal way. I could have found joy torturing her on a daily basis." Prisha said in an emotional tone. The anger she felt towards Hana for what she did to Ione was still deeply rooted within her. But she was happy that the psychotic woman had been locked up. She could finally breathe well now that the enemy within has been uprooted out of their lives. And now, she could focus fully on Ione and her recovery.

"Wouldn't have allowed my baby to get her hands dirty. I would do them and you would watch. Then you will give me a sweet and long kiss for a job well done. How does that sound?" Soft asked, grabbing Prisha's hand and giving it a soft squeeze.

Soft knows that welcoming Prisha back into her life is going to make it difficult for her to depart. She could already tell where her heart lies. And she wasn't ready to let Prisha go. Not again.

"It sounds like a kinky deal, you naughty soul." Prisha laughed, not quite reading so much into Soft's words. All that revolved in her mind was the sheer victory they just had over Hana. "How many years do you think she would get? I want her locked up forever." She questioned Soft, wanting to feel even more assured that when she leaves South Korea to France, she could do that without looking back because Hana might be on the loose again.

"I can't tell, but if Bangtan lawyers do a fantastic job, she will be gone for a while. And hopefully she turns a new leaf before that time comes." Soft replied, sensing that Prisha was still a bit unsettled, she decided to ask, "Are you worried about something?"

"No, baby. I just want things to be very certain. I don't want Ione worried or constantly watching her back. I just want her to feel so free and live a less worried life." Prisha answered, causing Soft to lean forward over the small bar table between them, and place a chaste kiss on her lips.

"Hey, we're in the public. What was that for?" Prisha blushed, glancing around them to see if anybody caught that swift heartwarming action.

"Let them see. I can't hide my affection for you. Not anymore, especially when you are so so sweet." Soft replied, causing Prisha to blush even deeper.

"Are you getting drunk?" Prisha asked Soft, laughing lightly.

"Maybe. But it turns out when you say sweet things like that, it makes me want to drag you back to the hotel room and have a dirty time with you." Soft replied in a raspy tone, her eyes were filled with darkened lust that made Prisha's core to suddenly ache.

"Sweet things like what?" She asked Soft, shyly biting her lips as she decided to down her whiskey in the shit glass before her.

"Like you caring so deeply for Ione. It's endearing and also arousing." Soft winked, "I'm almost jealous of her. But you're here with me, physically, so it's okay." Soft added.

Prisha shook her head, smiling at her partner in crime. These past few days with Soft had erupted old feelings, and it made new ideas swirl in her head. But she couldn't make impulsive actions as Soft was not a naturally stable person. Plus, everything was so fresh, commitment is still far ahead in her mind.

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